37: Bliss

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"I'm sorry, you know," Jungkook told you, keeping his soft tone even as you finally seemed to calm down. Still finding warmth in his arms, you didn't felt like pulling away and neither did he.

"For?" You wondered aloud.

"For everything," he admitted, the guilt pinning in on him as he spoke. "I'll try harder to be better, to not be a douchebag, to be the Jeon Jungkook that everyone used to know. The Jeon Jungkook before his first soulmate died and anger took over him."

A smile curved at the corners of your lips and you felt nothing but content, indulging in the euphoria his touches gave you. "I don't know who you were before Yuri died but I know you're gradually changing from that person I had first met. You're not as bad as you make it seem, Jungkook," you told him, honestly and sincerely.

"That hatred you had for me had only sparked in the first place because of your love for your soulmate. It shows sincerity, a vulnerable boy who wishes nothing but the pains of his aching heart to be relieved. It's a big step, you know, to open yourself up once more to someone new. You were there in the shadows, afraid and hurt because of what the universe had planned for you, therefore you placed on a facade of a heartless person who cared for no one when in reality, you're just like the rest of us, in need of comfort and loving."

He listened to every word you spoke, taking them into heart, the arms around you never faltering. You could tell he needed that, the explanation of his own actions because he himself had trouble trying to figure out why he hadn't exactly been himself for the past couple of months or even years.

"Yet through that vulnerable state," you went on, "through that state of anger and confusion, you found it within yourself to still have a heart and to care for the person you had hated the most."

"I hate Zero the most, not you," Jungkook corrected.

You chuckled. "Yeah I figured after I came back so weak and in pain. You had a change of heart."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I couldn't just watch you suffer in front of me. Like I said before, it hurts me too, Y/N."

"I know," you nodded understandingly.

"I hated you then, even before I found out about the bond, because I felt like you had replaced Yuri when I was still trying to heal from the past. And then after the revelation, things made an even worse turn." 

"Yeah," you sighed. "We didn't started off too good in the beginning."

"You're weird, you know."

A soft scoff escaped your lips as you looked up at him, confused. "How so?"

"You should had hated me," Jungkook said when he met your gaze, "resented me for the things I said and did. But that's what makes you even stronger than most. You're able to bottle up your anger and throw them aside because you understand that everyone has their own story and purpose for the way they act. Though you had been in the vulnerable spot, you allowed me to witness that and gave me a second chance even though I know it still hurts you."

You looked away from him to place your head back on his chest, lying there safely in his arms as you played with the hem of your shirt. How weird was it that someone could easily tell your feelings as if he had lived through it. But it made some sort of sense, he was your soulmate after all, understanding everything you felt. "Everyone deserves a second chance."

He grunted, shifting a little in his position at your words. "I didn't even give you a chance."

But you shook your head. "You're giving me a chance right now by being here with me and admitting your mistakes. It takes a lot of strength to let go of your pride and own up to your mistakes. Things will weigh you down, make you feel like the whole world is against you but when you really think about it, everyone goes through some sort of pain and obstacles throughout their lives."

You smiled, watching the soft fabric maneuvering against your fingers. "We're like little snowflakes, all different and unique. But you know what makes it even more special?"

Jungkook shook his head.

"The reason why they take different forms is because of the way they fall on the ground," you informed him. "As they fall, there are atmospheric changes, causing different patterns of crystals to appear. Every one of us takes a different path, a different journey through life, and it's in those journeys that shapes us to be the person we are now and will become. This is why I try my best to understand the people around me, Jungkook, because I know that they're struggling in their own ways."

"I should had taken that into consideration when I had met you, huh?"

You shook your head, telling him that it was okay. "We learn through our struggles, Jungkook. Though sometimes we do need that helping hand to guide us through when we're lost."

You could feel his gaze on you as he softly rubbed his hand on your shoulder in a comforting way. "Then to me, you're that helping hand that I had been searching for. I never knew I needed to have such a conversation like this with you or anyone and to be honest, it makes me feel lighter."

A soft chuckle left his throat and you smiled at the blissful moment with just the two of you. "I understand now why Jim...never mind."

Brows furrowed, you looked up at the man once more. "What?"

Jungkook's smile faltered a little before he flashed you an adorable shy bunny smile. "Nothing, just..you're pretty both inside and out, I think anyone can easily fall in love with you."

Something told you he had wanted to say something else but had instead settled for those last words and you would had dwelled on his hesitation if it was for the distraction of his soft gaze landing on yours. You stayed there for a soft moment, no words exchanged as the two of you looked at one another. Had his eyes always been that beautiful? Had his skin always looked so flawlessly soft? Now that you thought about it, you had never really taken a close look at those beautiful features of his before.

"Suggesting someone?" Your voice came out as a whisper, a subtle flirt making its way in.

You saw the way his eyes fell upon your lips right before he looked back to meet your gaze again. "Anything is possible." His voice came out hushed, almost inaudible like he was holding himself back but you heard him clearly.

Your hand settled on his chest while he held you even closer, touches still as delicate and gentle as they had been but with a little more grip. You felt butterflies in your stomach, the single reminder that you hadn't ever been intimate with anyone before and being with Jungkook at the moment, so close to his face, to his lips, was probably the closest you had ever been with a man (besides Zero but no one cares about him).

But before things could go any further (or anything closer in this matter), the two of you pulled away, retracing your hand while Jungkook looked away.

A small cough escaped him and you looked up to peek at the subtle blush that had formed across his cheeks under your dim room.

"Jungkook?" You called his name softly.

He answered in a hum, shyly looking back at you and making you blush but you held your composure.

"Thank you," you breathed. "For saying those words I mean. It means a lot."

He nibbled on his lower lip, avoiding your gaze as if asking himself what had just happened, like it had been his first time so close to a girl. "Y-yeah. Anytime."

Well that was fun to write 😏
Here's a little sketch to make you feel better.

~~A/N:Well that was fun to write 😏Here's a little sketch to make you feel better

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