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Riley's Pov~
I watched as (Y/N) came downstairs. Her (E/C) wasn't so gentle and caring anymore, it looked as though her sanity is slowly slipping away. I put on my backpack and walked outside with (Y/N) and Jack. We headed towards the wood, I was getting scared so I held (Y/N)'s and Jack's hand. Jack flinched slightly but tightened his grip on my hand but not too tight, I looked up at (Y/N), she kept staring straight forward up ahead, it looked as though she had seen something and was trying to see if it was there.

Your Pov~
As we were entering the woods I could have sworn I saw a shadow in the woods watching Jack and Riley. I don't know what happened but something clicked inside me, I gripped my weapon tighter as I heard foot steps. I froze. I saw two giant eyes staring at Riley in the shadows. 

Jack's Pov~
I felt Riley stop, I looked at him to see he was looking at (Y/N). She was staring into the shadows, then I saw it two, the two giant eyes staring at Riley "(Y/N)...listen is going to pounce and I want you to be ready, I want you to pick up Riley and run straight ahead. have your weapon ready, and no matter what you hear do not come back. Anything that comes towards yoou attack. after a while you will come across a mansion. go in there and when you see Slenderman, a tall guy, no face, black tendrails wearing a suit, tell him what happened" I whispered just loud enough for (Y/N) to hear. she gave a slight nod. with that the creacher growled.

Riley's Pov~
I was shaking with fear. 'what was going to happen to Jack?!' I though, panicking. Suddenly I heard a growl and the creacher pounced towards me. I watched that instead of Jack attackign the beat it was (Y/N). She jumped and kicked whatever it was to the ground, the beast kicked her off and pounced on her "GO!" (Y/N) growled. I noticed Jack cringed not liking what was happening, he picked me up and ran.

Your Pov~
I watched as Jack ran off with Riley. I did what I did to protect Jack, I couldn't risk losing him. I felt my insanity fill me up tearing me away from whatever bit of sanity I had left. I rolled over onto of the beast and punched it in the face. It spat its blood at me and threw me off into a tree "ngh" I ground slowley getting up, I watched as it ran towards me, it pulled out a kinfe and stabbed me in the abdoman. I gasped and growled, all I could think abotu was Riley. I yelled in anger and pain, I pushed off the 'beast' and ripped out the knife and threw it on the ground. I grabbed my weapon that was near a tree and sprinted towards the beast. I laughed madly as I cut open the beast's stomach and ripped out its insides. I laughed and wiped my face trying to get the blood off, instead I just put more  blood on. I sighed and grabbed my bag and ran in the direction that Jack and RIley ran. After what felt like hours of running I arrived at the mansion. I braged in to see nothing but Jack sitting on the couch crieing. I walked over and brother...pale...limp in his arms.."I-I-Is he.." I croaked dropping my bag and weapon. I couldn't take it....Riley...why.."WHY!!" I yelled crying. I fell to the floor and curled up into a ball. I cried..I couldn't do anything else. I heard a loud gasp as if someone held in their breath to long. I looked up to see Riley gasping for air, he had sitting up and hugged Jack "R-Riley....Y-Your..alive" I smiled and ran over to him and hugged him "what happened?!" I asked slightly mad "Slenderman wouldn't allow mortals in here. So he poisned Riley, he was turning him into a creepypasta" Jack sttated "Sometimes people dont wake up from it though" he croaked almost like a whisper "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA" He burst into laughter "J-Jack.." I spoke shakily. I was scared..I grabbed Riley and cowarded to a corner "What? (Y/N) am I dangerous? dont you love me? HAHAHAHA" He stated darkly. His eyes looked so...empty. I sat down Riley in the corner. I stood up and walked over to Jack. "Jack. I know what happened. How you were once a colourful clown, a friend of a boy. How he left you in the box for years. I know how you parents died so I was all alone...then the doctors called up and told me about Riley. Dont you see Jack? you were so alone and unloved back then. But now, you have me and Riley. I love you Jack and I would NEVER leave you. Riley loves you hell like a FATHER. Your hurting both of us, just go back to the sane Jack you were. The one who had feelings and loved us.." I stated with tears in my eyes "That is...if you even loved us" I whispered. I grabbed Riley and out things and ran up stairs. I carried him to the empty room that was now marked 'Riley and (Y/N)'s room' I put everything down, I walked into the bathroom which was connected to the room and locked the door. I was still crying "(Y/N)! OPEN THE DOOR! (Y/N)!" Riley yelled banging on the bathroom door. I went through the cupboards and found it. I let out an insane laugh and lifted the small metal blade up to my arm and laughed loudly, pressing the blade into my skin. I stopped laughing and hid the blade, forgetting about cleaning up the blood, I unlocked the door and walked out. I smiled at my brother, he gasped at the blood, trailing down your arm. Jack knocked lightly on the door and opened it "Hey, I just wanted to say I am so-" he paused and stared wide eyed at the fresh blood that was trailing down my arm. "(Y/N).....Why.." he whispered

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