LJ's feelings and the truth

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LJ's Pov~

"...(Y/N)...Why..." I whispered, I couldn't believe she would do this, was it because of me? I sighed as I walked over to her, I unwrapped the bandage from my wound and lifted up her sleeve, she flinched slightly but still stood there, still. I wrapped it around the deep cuts that were on her forearm. When I finished she spoke quietly and shakily "Y-You kind of went...insane on us, and by the way you were acting it seemed as though you didn't......." she paused, I noticed the tears threatning to spill from her eyes, she continued quietly "I thought you didnt love me" she finished. I sighed and  stepped closer to her, I watched a tear roll doown her cheek. I lifted up my hand and wiped the tear away, being careful not to cut her. I leaned down and kissed her gently then pulled away "(Y/N), from the day I first talked to you, and as creepy as this sounds, I knew you were different. And no matter how many times I tried to force myself to kill you I couldnt. Because even then I loved you and it hurt like hell when you forgot about me. You know that I am insane, and I will go through those moments. I love you (Y/N) more then Jeff loves killing. And Riley, I love you like a brother, and a son. And knowing I might hurt you both when I am in that fase is just...unbareable so...I decided to ask Slendy if he can turn you into Creepypastas...and he said yes aslong as I train you. Well you two dont have a choice so, tomorrow, you two will being transformed" I smirked and kissed (Y/N)'s forehead then walked of to Riley, I picked him up and hugged him tightly "You two better get your rest, tomorrow is going to be crazy" I laughed and put him down, I hugged (Y/N) then stood out of the door "Goodnight Riley, Goodnight (Y/N) I love you both dont ever forget that" I whispered and closed the door. I laughed loudly and ran downstairs, I tackled Toby and we ended up getting into a 'play fight' which included stabing, scratching, cutting ect. I sighed and stood up, all my wounds had healed and my 'killing fase' had died down so now I was just plain tired. I 'teleported' to my castle and walked into the Haunted House and went to my room. I layed down on my bed and stared at the pictures of (Y/N) and smiled. Eventually I fell asleep to the picture of her face in my mind.

(Like I said in the last update, I might not continue this but if people tend to like this enough I might, just might, continue.)

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