Chapter 1

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The crunching sound of fallen leaves wakes me from my slumber. The birds chirping and the brushing of tree branches irks me. I hear the stream curve through forest. The rushing at every water bend. The wind can't seem to make up its mind and continuously shifts direction. 

"Ugh so much noise" I complain.

I silently curse my enhanced senses. My wolf Percy stands on all fours in the corner of my mind. She urges me to wake up and enjoy the nature around us.

"Stupid morning wolf." I groan. I've never understood why the Moon Goddess paired me with a wolf that rises when her surroundings do.

I decide to given into my beasts request. Fighting her will only delay the inevitable...waking up.

I use my right palm to rub my eyes hoping they'll adjust to the light. Once they open I realize I'm still surrounded by darkness. I raise my arms up to the glittering starts and begin to stretch. I feel the aches spread through my back. Most likely due to my sleeping position. I was upright perched against the trunk of a tree. I sit up slightly and begin to turn my body. Hearing the satisfying sounds of my spine aligning I take in a deep breath of air.

I feel my wolf prance happily in my mind. She shakes her fur out and lifts her nose to the wind allowing it to caress her. I roll my eyes at her movements.

I yawn several more times before I scan my surroundings.

My eyes quickly find a small tan wolf huddle against the trunk of an oak tree laying in a bed of dried leaves. I sigh in relief and move to approach the sleeping beast. I gently stroke her fur to find it coated in a thin layer of frost.

I continue to caress her fur thinking of the time before she could shift. She used to only reach my chest in height and now she easily surpasses me. When exactly did my baby sister grow up I wonder. I notice when the beasts eyes begin to open. Her eyes bore into mines and I begin to speak

"Morning Suki...I'm sorry you had to sleep like that..."

"Don't worry Robin, I'm the one that wanted to come with you." She mind links me.

I silently thank her and nod my head. I look towards the fire we built last night. Only flickering embers remain as if fighting to stay alive. I move to grab some more wood from our pile and start the flames once more. Once the warmth begins to spread I see my sisters wolf slowly move closer.

"I'll be back soon." I say

"I thought I'd be accompanying you. I promise to stay close, you won't even notice I'm there. Please!" She mind links me and I can picture her expression. Bottom lip puckered out pleading with me. Goddess help her future mate...he will have a hard time telling this one no. I smile at that thought.

"No can do baby sis. I'll be back soon. Get some rest. And try not to freeze. Hm?"

Her wolf whines but obediently does as shes told. She closes her eyes once more. Relishing the warmth the fire brings. The sight brings a smile to my face. I quietly pick up my bag and walk away.

As I maneuver through the woods my wolf and I are flooded by anxiety. We shouldn't have allowed Suki to tag along.

In the past she has never shown interest in our field of work.

Not that it's something to be proud of. My parents are probably turning in their graves at the thought.

When she asked to tag along she had a fire in her eyes. As if rejection wasn't an option. I bought into that determination and agreed reluctantly. I'm sure she's still pouting at being left behind for the real action. I told her she could accompany me on the journey but I made no promises on the mission itself.

Robin Hood Rogueحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن