Chapter 3

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I have a mate. I repeat to myself in shock.


Why did it have to be him, an Alpha no less? I sigh in exhaustion. Things just had to complicate themselves the one time I allow Suki to come with me.

I'm currently examining my surroundings. Just as ordered the wolves brought me to an interrogation room. I was quickly cuffed to the table. Silver naturally to bind my wolf. It was a cramped damp room with little lighting. Grey walls and concrete floors. Locks made of silver and laced in wolfsbane. It was nothing new to me. Seen one packs interrogation room and you've seen them all. They were council issued after all.

At the center of the room was a simple table and two chairs. The table I was chained to and the chair I sat in. What was this cops? I rolled my eyes waiting for my mate to return. Only he didn't.

In walked a stranger with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a scowl firmly planted on his lips. Rough day maybe?

I surveyed his appearance making a mental note of any detail that stood out. He was young. 25 years old at most. By the looks of his appearance he was not expecting to come to work today. Stubble grew on his chin and up his jaw as if he wanted to appear older.

His outfit didn't match the intimidating act he was so desperately trying to play. He was wearing jeans and a white dress shirt. Everyone knows not to wear white to interrogation. This alone informed me had other plans for the day. A date with his mate perhaps? I looked down at his hands and didn't spot a ring. However a small tan line was noted in the shape of a band. Bingo. Date with mate it is.

No wonder he's so upset. I just interrupted his play time. I smirk.

He held a Manila file in his hands and quickly made way to the chair across from mine. Once seated he opened the file and took out a pen. He read down the list. Questions perhaps?

"Name." He says.

"Hm...I'd say you look like a Jake." I shrug my shoulders.

"Your name." He repeats.

"I've been told I look like a Jenn. I personally don't think it suits me. What do you think?" I ask with a smile seeing him grow  in frustration.

"Don't play games rogue." He growls.

"Gasp. I would never, Jonathan! Hm no that doesn't match you either. If you'd just tell me your name this would be a lot easier." I nod my head to myself.

"The names Hayden. Now what should I call you?" He asks.

"Oh yes!! I know what you can call me." I  beam at him and his  expression perks up slightly hoping I'll cooperate.

"You can call me Luna." I smirk and his eyes grow wide. He turns around abruptly to the one way mirror behind him. His eyes glaze over and he's mind linking someone, but who? I lean to the side and come to a realization.

"Oh is that where he is? Watching behind the glass are we Hunter? That's too bad. I was hoping to spend some more quality time together before I leave." I pout childishly.

"What makes you think you're leaving exactly?" Hayden questions slightly hesitating. Ah my mates asking the questions now.

"Ha..hahaaa!"I burst into laughter. "Did you actually think I'd stay? Me? Here with you?" I point to the glass and scoff. "Get over yourself."

I hear crashing noises coming from the other side of the room and smile. Well that rilled him up.

"Alpha Hunter won't let you leave." Hayden informs me.

Robin Hood Rogueحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن