Chapter 8

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"YOU!" She screams as she point at Hunter. Just as my sister is about to lunge a pair of arms lace around her holding her back. They toss her into the crowd of warriors and urge them to hold her down.

Once they've managed to pin her down I exhale in relief. Bennett arrived just in the nick of time. He then moves to stand proudly at my left side commanding the rest of the general people to settle down. My sisters outburst has caused a bigger scene that I had anticipated. The pack wolves look to one another in confusion. Even the warriors look at me questioning why they hold back my own sister. Whom continues to struggle in their grasp.

Although Suki is young she would never act out without good reason. They know this well. They glance between her and Hunter. Knowing something isn't adding up based off her reaction. An explanation will be needed here. Just what I needed.

I grit my teeth in frustration.

"Control your emotions Suki." I growl. "We base our pack on order yet your actions send them into chaos." I watch as they struggle to hold her back. Her ruby eyes practically ripping into my mate. She fully displays her canines in defiance and my patience runs thin.

"He is not welcome here sister." Suki hisses while glaring at my mate. Bennet glances at me. He knows what she is implying by this. I had already informed my beta that I needed more time before informing the pack of my mate. Yet here she goes starting an argument over a conversation that hasn't even begun.

"Why is he not welcome here?" One wolf calls out from the crowd.

"The reason my sister and I were gone for two days was because that wolf threw us in a pack cell!" Suki retorts and the pack bond gets filled with rage, she doesn't stop though. "We didn't even step foot in his pack yet for no reason he held a silver blade to my neck and threatened my sister." Her words stir up the crowd to the point that even the guards let down their guard allowing her a swift chance to escape their clasp.

Suki pounces on the opportunity and jumps to attack Hunter. However, I move to stand in front of my mate instinctively. She glares at me in confusion. The rest of the pack don't realize that he is my mate. Their anger only fuels her rage.

"Stand down. I will not tolerate your disrespect towards him." I find myself saying with a slight edge in my tone. I watch as several warriors lower their heads in submission but Suki makes no move. She continues to grow angered by my decision.

"Disrespect? After the way he treated us? Sister you know fully well that if it had been anyone other than you those rogues would've been killed within the hour!" I hear growls and howls of appreciation from the crowd.

"I gave you an order Suki, stand down, before I make you." My threat was not in vain, my wolf was growing tired of this fight for authority. I've never had to push so hard for her cooperation. I watched as Suki visibly shaken by my words hangs her head in submission and Elliot pulls her to stand beside her.

I  have always tried my best not to yell at her. I wanted to be the calm older sibling at all times. Composed and flexible. But this was something I would not budge on. She realized this.

"With all due respect Alpha..." an elder from my original pack stepped forward. "These wolves could've been sent from the Werewolf Council. Please heed caution. We are all aware of they'd love if your head was delivered on a silver platter." He finishes his sentence and I nod my head solemnly. His theory is understandable but unfortunately not true.

"Thank you for your concern. However I can assure you that they are here for legitimate reasons. The reason for their presence I will reiterate is their mates. Now I will admit that this wolf did indeed imprison us. Nonetheless I have no control of who Selene decides to pair together. Currently the moon goddess has paired a Gamma to one of our kind. That wolf still deserves the opportunity to decide what they'd like to do." I look towards Elliot and she gives me a faint smile in appreciation. Some wolves still look to each other in skepticism so I proceed to convince them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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