Loyalty test | [A]

30 1 16

-Kaisoo, x

summary- "two boyfriends decide to spend a day and see how long the other could last without talking to the other."

"Okay, Chanyeol its your turn to spin the bottle." Suho said as everyone laughed. Chanyeol leaned forward and spun the bottle. Kyungsoo. I looked over to my boyfriend smiled and grabbed his thigh. "Ooh! Soo!" everyone chanted. "Kyungsoo I dare you and Jongin to do the loyalty challenge." I looked at him- dumbfounded. He looked scared. "What's that?" I asked. Chanyeol smirked while Kyungsoo looked down at his lap. "Its basically where you guys cant speak for twenty four hours. If one of you chokes and texts the other you lose- your relationship isn't stable." My eyes were open wide and I was staring at Chanyeol- "That's not fair- I don't want to do it- you guys really don't know our relationship. I can't-" Kyungsoo grabbed my hand and smiled- "We can try- if you need me you can text me it doesnt mean anything, okay?" I nodded. "Fine." Chanyeol smiled and everyone whooped.

The party ended and everyone was leaving. Since I had drove Kyungsoo here he had to hitch a ride with Sehun, his roommate. I felt nauseas driving down the street back to my apartment. I was so tempted to text Kyungsoo and call the whole thing off. I want to make him proud and fend for myself. So that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I'm going to make Kyung proud.

Its six am, so I have 9 hours left. I cant wait to see my little Kyung. I'm holding on for him.

Its eight am, seven hours. I love you Kyungie!

Nine am, I'm doing so well. For my Kyungie.

Its ten am and my phone rings playing Kyungsoo's ringtone. I guess he missed me too.

"Hello? Kyungie did you give up?" I asked, smiling. My smile dropped when I heard sniffles and cries on the other line, "Jongin- its Sehun." Sehun, is Kyungsoo's roommate, "Sehun? Is everything okay? Where's Kyung?" More cries- "Jongin, meet me at Kyung and my apartment please- hurry." He hung up.

I rushed up the stairs to Kyungsoo and Sehun's apartment building expecting this to a big prank or something. I knocked on the door and heard foot steps towards the door. Only to be met by- a puffy eyed, red faced Sehun. He began to cry harder and wrapped his arms around me- "Jongin I am so sorry." I was confused, obviously, "You didn't do anything Se- what's wrong?"

"It's my fault he is gone."

Sehun took me to the hospital- I ran through the halls following Sehun to a room with doctors staring in. "Kyungsoo? He is in there?" I asked the Doctors and they nodded. I pushed passed them into the room. "Dead, ten forty-seven am." I felt the tears fall from my eyes- "No- No he isn't, he cant be!" 

I rushed next to my lifeless boyfriend, grabbing his hand- "Kyungie? Kyungie please- Wake up, its me. Jongin, please wake up."

Kyungsoo was hit by a car on his way to buy me flowers with Sehun. The driver was on his phone and Sehun had saw. He was shocked- he stood frozen while Kyung kept walking the car was about to hit Sehun and swerved only to be met in contact with Kyungsoo.

2 years later:

I visited his grave today- "Hey Kyungie." I sat down fixing the flowers and teddies placed around his tombstone. "I'm still not over you. I never will be- I love you... So much Kyungsoo." I cried. "I brought something I was going to give you before- well you know." I reached in my pocket and pulled out the ring I was going to propose to him with, "I'm going to leave it here- with you, technically its yours. I just wish I would have had the chance to give it to you."

"This is not the way I wanted my life to happen. If I wouldn't have agreed to that stupid challenge this wouldn't have happened. Its my fault." I broke down, crying my eyes out and not giving a crap about who I disturbed. A part of me felt guilty, as it was my fault- I knew it wasn't but I could have prevented it.

I felt something wrap around me and quickly turned around, the feeling still there when, in reality nothing was.

I still look back on that day and think it was Soo, hugging me and telling me it was going to be okay. I feel like if I have a guardian angel it has to be him- and it makes me feel a little better. I have to move on.

but I cant...


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