Chapter 2: Fade Space

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"I hope you haven't come back empty-handed," said a man's voice.

The speaker reclined in a heavily padded chair that sat at the end of a long glass table. At the other end of the table sat four people that seemed out of place in the richly decorated boardroom.

"We do have leads," said a woman, the leader of the Quad. "Your sister —"

"My what!" the man at the other end of the table yelled, slamming his fist into the thick glass. Fractures spread out from his hand, leaving long, branching lines that reached all the way to the other end of the table.

The four members of the Quad looked at each other nervously, before the woman spoke once more, "I meant to say the target, Lord Reech. My apologies for misspeaking."

She bowed her head, her partners quickly following suit.

"Ah, no need to concern yourself," Lord Reech said, his features softening. "She always was the troublesome one. And the man who aided her? Your report indicated you had identified him?"

"Yes," the female Quad leader said, "Maximillian Chatter," she waved her hand and a holographic display appeared over the table, depicting Max's company ID badge as well as pages of information on him.

"Class-Tech?" Lord Reech interjected. "It indicates here that he's ... a data entry specialist? And unclassed as well? Are you sure your information is correct?"

"Absolutely, your lord," she bowed once more, "it is likely, however, that the identity is a fabrication. The individual we encountered had a powerful stealth ability, and it seems too much of a coincidence that your ... that the target fled directly to his location."

"So ..." Lord Reech steepled his finger, "Class-Tech is protecting Nina. How ... unexpected. I never suspected my sister could be so ruthless and self-serving. I will be sure to inform the rest of the family. Is there anything else?"

"How should we proceed?"

"Round up everyone who had contact with this Chatter person. I doubt you'll find him, he's obviously using a burner identity. Interrogate his co-workers and friends, anyone you can get your hands on. I want a full report by the end of tomorrow."

"Yes, my lord."

"Oh, and Cassandra?" he smiled. "If you let her get away again, I will personally see to it that you are stripped of your class. You'll be working on your back, right where I found you, by the end of the week. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she touched her forehead to the fractured glass, "I understand and will obey."


"Let me go!" screamed Nina.

Her protests were silenced as she plunged under the icy water. She struggled against the madman, managing to free only a single hand. Had he specced entirely into strength?

Nina was pulling back her arm, readying herself to strike the idiot who had doomed them both. Did he think a Quad was afraid to get wet? By now, they likely had a dozen support teams on each side of the river. There was absolutely no way to escape, unless ... wait, what is that?

Nina felt weightless, she was still sinking but the descent had slowed considerably. The black water had disappeared, replaced with shining lines of brilliant white that cut through a dull grey backdrop. Tiny orbs of light escaped from her mouth, slowly drifting upwards.

This can't be ... Fade Space? Nina had read of it, of course, but the ability hadn't been documented in over twenty years. How could a nobody civilian boy possibly have access to it? Just who was this man?

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