Chapter 5: Stone and Scale

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"Man, this heat," Smith said as he fanned himself with one hand.

The other members of Response Team 4 looked up at Smith with cold glances. Still, he heard a few grunts of approval. They all knew the job, and the importance of stealth, but Reech Industry tactical gear was not made for stakeouts. Especially when that entailed boiling in a van that had no air conditioning.

"So, who do you think it is?"

"No idea, Smith," said the Lieutenant. "That's need to know, and your ass doesn't need to know."

"Bah," Smith sighed, "I'll know as soon as I get 'em in my sights. Why the suspense? Wessen, what'd you think?"

"Gotta be a high roller, a real whale," Wessen shook his head. "No other way—"

A cough was enough to shut up both men. Smith turned towards the lieutenant and found a glare that could have cut steel. The grizzled war vet was staring him down, and Smith could tell he was warming himself up to give one of his epic ass chewings. Smith tried to look apologetic, but the truth was that he and the boys would all have a good laugh about it later — preferably over a cold beer.

"Smith, you sorry—" but the officer's reprimand was cut short as the rear doors were flung open. A tall blonde in four-inch heels stepped onto the grooved, metal floor.

"Officer on Deck!" the lieutenant called out.

There goes my night, Smith thought. Cassandra had earned the nickname "Ice Queen" not only for her ruthless efficiency but also for the brutality she employed while on the job. Smith loathed working with her, not because of her methods, but because he knew that any job she was on would get a lot of attention from the suits. They wouldn't send the leader of the Assassin Quad without good reason.

"At ease, men," she said.

Cassandra stepped into the center of the van and turned to look at each man. The hard clicks of her heels sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Smith pushed down a premonition of dread, but he couldn't quite shake the coldness in his gut.

"My name is Cassandra Fleming, but I suspect most of you already know that," she paused as Smith exchanged glances with his teammates. "I have taken direct control of this operation. I expect your full cooperation."

Cassandra turned to make eye contact with the lieutenant.

"Yes, Ma'am," he said with a meek nod.

"Good. You will be the breach team. You will approach the main entrance, place charges, and secure the area. Teams 3, 6, and 7 are already in position. I will give the order to detonate the charges once the heavies are in place. There is zero room for error, any questions?"

"Yeah," Smith said, receiving a glare from both Cassandra and the lieutenant. "Uh, I mean no Ma'am. Just eager to kick some ass."

"You have your orders," screamed the lieutenant, "move, move, move!"


Max heard a crash. A shattered bowl was spread across the kitchen, and the bent bamboo stalk was once again lying on the floor. He looked back up at the boy hiding behind Nina's legs and then back at the mess.

"I'm getting a broom," he said.

"Max, we don't have time for this! Leave it, you're never coming back here. I'm sorry."

"This is ..." Max looked around. He sighed, dropping his eyes to the floor once more. "Fine, I understand. But you need to tell me what is going on."

"I will," Nina said, "but we really don't have much time. I'll tell you everything once the dungeon has closed behind us."

"Just," Max sighed, "Just tell me why you dragged a child into all of this."

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