Chapter 9: A Sun Rises Beneath the Earth

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Max doused the remains of the campfire in sand before stamping the remaining embers under his boots. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm, orange light over the golden plains and the sleeping forms of Nina and George. The boy, still in dragon form, was curled up against the woman, her arms wrapped protectively around him.

Waking them would be a shame, they looked so peaceful, but Max wasn't willing to waste any more time. Images of that classer woman's threat had kept him up almost all night. We've got the girl. There were so few women in Max's life, who else could she have meant other than his ex, Samantha?

He held the small memory card Cassandra had given him right before he had disappeared into the dungeon. He was unable to access it and yet certain it contained everything there was to know about him. His entire life distilled into 1s and 0s — a boring story up till now. Max flipped the card between his knuckles before pocketing it and walking towards Nina and George.

"Alright, time to —"

A curved blade appeared against Max's throat. His eyes ran down the length of the saber until they met a fierce, blue gaze. A single drop of red fell into the rolling yellow of the grass. Max's eyes grew wide and Nina let out a gasp as she dropped her blade, letting it fade into thin wisps of light.

"Max," she said, "I'm so sorry, but it's best not to approach me when I'm asleep. I've got ... trust issues."

"No problem," Max said, backing away as he ran his fingers over his neck, "I needed to shave anyway. How about we just scoff down a few donuts and get back to getting out of here? My treat."


Nina smiled, as George awoke with a sleepy yawn.

"Morning, little guy," Max said. "Sleep okay?"

Smoke rose from the tiny dragon's nostrils as he gave Max a silent stare. George snorted, small sparks appearing in his maw, before breaking eye contact and climbing up to Nina's shoulder where he promptly fell back asleep.

"I get the feeling he's warming up to me."

"It might not seem like it, but he really is ... now, about those donuts?"

"In that silver duffle bag you had me fill. How does that trick work anyway?"

"Here," Nina materialized a bracelet made from woven silver thread and tossed it to Max. "It's an SSD, or Sub-dimensional storage device. Just about every high-level quad has access to at least one. My family are the only ones that can make artificial SSDs."

"SSDs? I've heard of them, but one as big as a duffle bag — that must be worth a fortune. And I don't mean 'fuck you' money. I mean 'buy a small country and everybody in it' kinda money."

"Colorful, but you're not wrong."

As Max slipped the bracelet over his hand, Nina threw the said bag onto the ground and began rummaging through its contents. "Aha," she exclaimed as she pulled a pink cardboard carton from the depths.

"Save me a jelly," Max said. "So how does this thing work?"

"Just," Nina said through a mouthful of pastry, "hold on."

She held a powdered treat in front of George, who opened one eye just long enough to take a large bite, before slipping back into sleep. Nina smiled contentedly, nibbling on the rest of the donut as she scratched the sleeping dragon behind his ears.

"Sorry, but these are the best day-old donuts I've ever had. You know, hunger is the best spice and all."

"Hunger and unrelenting terror, yeah," Max said. "Now about this bracelet?"

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