Chapter 7: Vestibule

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It spread out in every direction for as far as Nina could see — no sky, no horizon. Just White. She could feel a solid plane beneath her feet, and yet when she looked down all she saw was the same void that was spread out above her.

"This," she said, looking down at Max.

The man had tears running down his face and he was running his fingers through his thick, brown hair. Occasionally, he would mutter a name, clutching at the small orb in his hand. What was he saying ... Samantha? Sandra?

"Max," she said, "You can't trust her. That bitch Cassandra is scary. I've seen her pull off some amazing, and terrible things, but she can only be in one place at a time. There's no way they would have time to go after your friends."

"I know that," he said, flaring his nostrils, "but they knew enough about me to threaten my ex. That ... that classer didn't seem like the squeamish type, you know?"

"We can't help her from here, Max. We certainly can't help her if we're dead or carted off to some company black site."

"I can," Max held out the orb, "this can take me back. Once she has it, perhaps she'll have no reason to go after the people I know."

"Doesn't work like that, Max." Nina shook her head and crossed her arms. "She'll still go after anyone with even the slightest chance of knowing anything. Besides, are you really willing to sacrifice yourself for an ex?"

Max grunted noncommittally, but Nina recognized the look of resolve that was slowly growing on his face. Even his posture was beginning to straighten as he regained his confidence. If Nina didn't intervene he was likely to do something foolish.

She could deal with the hero type. They always wanted something, just like anyone else. In most cases, what they wanted was to consider themselves the good guy. Righteousness. Offer it to them and they'd follow you like an obedient hound.

"Listen, Max. George's mother died trying to get him away from those people, and I need to keep him safe. I need your help to do that."

Nina could see the anger begin to grow on Max's face, but it was gradually replaced by confusion. He was less sure of what to do. Now to drive it home.

"Listen, Max," she rested a hand on his shoulder, "there are two ways out of every dungeon. Out ..." She swung her arm behind her.

"And in," Max finished. "We get to the heart."

That's it, Nina thought. Let him think it's his idea.

"If we can reach the Dungeon's heart," Nina said, "we can sneak past that icy bitch. Even I'm not sure I could take her head on. I wouldn't want to try without my Quad."

"Alright," Max said. "I don't like it, but I don't think we have much choice."

"Thank you, Max," Nina said, "I don't like running either, but we need to choose where we make our stand. If we let Cassandra or my brother choose, we lose every time."

"Sound like something Gramps would say."

"Then he's a wise man," Nina said. "Can you tell me about this place? I've never seen a dungeon like it."

"This isn't the real dungeon," Max smiled, wrapping his fingers around the orb. "This is more like ... a training area. Watch!"

He tossed the orb in front of him, but it gently glided down and came to a rest at Max's eye level.

"Eve, initiated training program: subterranean; mission: camp defense, beginner."

"Training initiated. Please wait ..."

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