The Past

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3rd P.O.V

It's late at night, the rain pours down, (y/n) stare outside the window. He enjoys the sound, and the cold that's surrounding him. His teammates are asleep, he looked at them and sighed. "I'll be heading out for a minute" is all you say before hoping out of your bed, and walk out of your dorm.

None of His friends know that He's always like this, not even His precious girl, Ruby Rose. Every night He always went out, raining or not, only on his long sleeved (f/c) shirt, and training pants. He doesn't care that the rain is hitting him and soaking him. He always went to the same spot every night, Vale's Port.

Your P.O.V

I stared into the night view, there's no one, nothing. Only the street light shining down the road. the wind blows through my hair. It's cold tonight, damn I really want to cuddle, I wonder what is she doing. I sighed, I really can't stop blaming myself for my past. I cried, and cried, until there's no tears left in my eyes.

Let me explain about what happened, before I' this.

I'm an accident, get it? My parents never planned for me to be born. But then, they got married because of me. Mother is a really loving person, she's nice and sweet, she always bakes me cakes, and cooks my favorite food. But Father on the other hand, he's a very abusive and strict person. He abuse me whenever I did something that's wrong in his eyes. Playing with toys too much for example, he'd hit me or throw something at me. My mom tried to stop him, but he hurts her too, I know this is wrong, I know this happened because I was born, even at young age, I realize it. So everytime I know, something will happen, I always distract mother by telling her to cook me something, as soon as my dad abuse me, I tried not to make any sound. There's always new bruises each day, and I cover it up by using long sleeved clothes.

One day Mother can't take it anymore, she decided to leave. She divorced Father, and what hurts me the most is she left me, with him. I thought everything is okay, I thought she cared about me, I thought she left because his abusive behaviour and she tried to save me, but no.

"I'm just trying to be a good mother, you little prick, you took away my youth, it's because of you, I can't enjoy my time. I should've abort you from the first place." she said, right before she left.

With that my whole world is falling apart, there's so many things that I want to say, but the only thing that came out from my mouth is,

"I know, Thank you for everything, I'm sorry"

She's gone, after I said that. Leaving me with Him. He never took care of me, abuse me daily, and blame everything on me. Without him even telling me, I know I'm a mess. I pour my pain and sadness through art, for me, my artwork is a cry for help. Everything that I draw, is everything I wished for. I never show it to anyone because I know, it sucks.

One day, he went too far, he stabbed a broken beer bottle to my gut because I can't cook him food properly. I'm having mixed emotion, I'm so angered but sad at the same time. With that, I discover my semblance, I can summon creatures that I draw. I accidentally summoned a Raven at that time, that Raven pecked him like crazy, I took my bag, filled with some spare clothes and drawing supplies, and runaway from home. I found help, and I ended up here.

I walk back to my dorm, wishing no one is awake, I quietly changed my clothes. It's 4 am, I can have 3 hour rest, better than nothing. So I shut my eyes, and fell asleep.


I'm already prepared for classes, so are my teammates. I opened my dorm door and I was welcomed by a hug.

"(Y/N)!!!!!~~~" Ruby shouted

I just chuckled and rub his head "Morning Sweetheart"

she giggled and hold my hand, my teammates giggled at the sight, and her's too. My face is reddened by it. but we walked together to class. Me and Ruby have been dating for 8 months now. I dare to say, she's my reason I'm still breathing, her smile is enough to brighten the darkness in my head. She's my everything.

Class is pretty boring, It's just Professor Port rambling about some stuff, I'm not even listening. I rest my head on my desk, and fell asleep right away. I'd rather face a hundred grimm than listening to his class honestly. Well time flies fast when you're sleeping. I woke up to my Yuu, My teammate, shaking me. I'll tell you about more about my team later. I poked Ruby, she turned to me right away. Even the smallest thing she does makes me smile.

"Let's bake cookies together later?" I asked while smiling gently.

Her usual happy face suddenly changed to an unsure expression...

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