Tough Luck

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"I love you (y/n) but Jaune is so much better for now, and I like him too you know"

That word is messing with my mind. What do you want Ruby, one day you told me that you love me, the next day you told me you like someone else. It's 7.30 in the morning, I'm ready for class, I put on my new cheerful face, and my teammates seems to be happy with this "new" me. I already cover my scars with bandages, the bandages are visible, but i think it's fine. I discuss some strategies with my team. Then I heard RWBY hanging out with JNPR. I just look at them for a second and continue talking with my team, when the truth is I'm crying inside.

As I arrived at class, I took a seat on the back, I haven't slept all night. I think Port's class is perfect tale for me to fall asleep. Ruby sat beside JNPR, She took a glance and me and gave me that sweet smile of her. I don't how to react. I just stare at her blankly, and continue going to sleep. After class Ruby walks to cafeteria with me, being the usual cheerful Ruby. Like she never did something wrong. She keeps saying how much she wants to make cookies, but I stayed quiet.

Ruby : "is there something wrong (y/n)?"

I smiled

(y/n) : "nothing is wrong Rubes, why don't you go hang out with JNPR?"

Ruby : "no, I want to talk with you! beside you seems happier today"

I chuckled

(y/n) : "right"

I deserve an oscar for my act, everyone buy it. Ruby rambles about some stuff, which I completely have no idea about. When I sat with my team and eat my food, Ruby sit beside me and continue on talking. I'm kinda happy with this, Like she's back, to me. I can feel Jaune glaring at me from far away, but I don't care, Ruby is here. My team seems to disapprove Ruby being here, but I gave them puppy eyes so she can stay.

And she stay beside me all day, like we're back, to our usual us. I couldn't be happier. I love her, with all my heart. We hang out like usual. Hell I can feel my depression fades. We bake cookies, walk around Vale, buy more cookies. This is enough to keep me happy. There's no Jaune between us. Just me and Ruby. The sun is down and it's time for us to go back. I hold her hand happily.

This is the Ruby that I miss, and I love.

Ruby : "are you happy today (y/n?)"

(y/n) : "yeah, very. I'm glad you're back Ruby"

she looked away for a second, and towards me.

Ruby : "I'm glad you're happy"

(y/n) : "I'm glad you're back"

Ruby : "listen, (y/n), I have to tell you something"

(y/n) : "sure sweetheart, what is it?"

Ruby : "I think we need a break, and see other people"

(y/n) : "what, why?"

Ruby : "I-I don't know, I-I can't explain it to you"

(y/n) : "Is it because of Jaune?"

Ruby : "what? Don't drag other people to this (y/n)"

(y/n) : "I'm just asking, beside I think it is, right? he's better than me"

Ruby : "this our last time hanging out and you're still acting like a jerk, blaming everyone for your mistakes,and your cookies are disgusting! We're done"

With that she storm off. I stood still on the gate of beacon academy. Water droplets fall from the sky, hitting me. I'm crying, where did it all go wrong, is it because of my depression, did I annoy her? the water that's soaking me starts stinging my scars, and it's very painful. I quietly walk to my dorm. And right when I arrive, Weiss, Blake ,and Yang is in my dorm with my team.  They said their dorm is locked, and they can't get in. They're staying here for the night. Of course I let them stay. My team seems to notice that something is wrong, they keep asking what's wrong until I open my mouth.

(y/n) : "Ruby broke up with me"

with that WBY quickly crash to our conversation

Blake : "did you tell her about everything, (y/n)?"

Weiss : "she told us she will leave jaune"

Rei : "whoa whoa what do you mean about everything? are you hiding something from us (y/n)?"

(y/n) : "no I didn't blake, I don't think it's necessary, and no..Rei, I'm not hiding anything from you"

Blake : "you should've told her everything, (y/n)"

(y/n) : "no, don't worry. I'm alright. Get some rest guys, we still have class tomorrow"

Weiss : "yeah right"

(y/n) : "hang on"

They gave me confused look, as if there's a hundred questions they want to ask. I stood up and went to the bathroom, changing my clothes and bandages. and sit back down with them.

Weiss : "okay, seriously, we have to do something about Ruby, I know so well that all Jaune want is just to sleep with Ruby, and brag to the other boys about it"

Yuu : "how did you know Weiss?"

Weiss : "I hear it from neptune"

Yuu : "we should plan something for this"

Yang : "geez I never thought Ruby will be like this, I have to make sure my little sister is fine, and not going out with an asshole"

(y/n) : "hey it's late, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Blake : "Yeah I'm pretty sure (y/n) is tired"

I nod

I crawl to my bed. I hear voices in my head, telling me I'm worthless, can't even keep a girl around, and keep dragging my friends to my problems, My parents don't even want me, I waste their time, I should've erase myself from this world. I have a razor right beside my bed, I take it quietly and start punishing myself, I deserve it. I start planning out my suicide, but I can't leave my team, I can't let them down again.

I still can't believe Ruby left me, but when I think about it, I really don't deserve her, Right? She's happiness and sunshine, everyone likes her, and she deserves the best, and I might be the worst thing she ever have.

I sigh and cover my fresh scar with my bandages

I'm just happy that I made through another night

I'm Sorry || Cheater Ruby x Depressed Male ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora