Brick Wall

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Author's note :
(geez i just realize how sad the story was, and how is it always raining? what? let's see if I can do better)

I woke up with stings on my arms, and my body sore.

"You woke up surprisingly early today" Yuu spoke softly, trying not to wake the twins up.

"Oum told me to" i answered, earning a chuckle from the blue haired boy.

I checked my scroll, seeing some messages from WBY and NPR, most of them are asking how am I holding up. Not wanting to deal with it so early in the morning, i put my scroll down. I can't deal with this heartbreak the entire day, so I might as well ignore it while i got the chance, I don't know when is it going to creep back on me anyway. I grab my towel, and took a deep breath before i have to went through hell called shower

"I can't tell if it's me getting old, or the depression's taking a toll on my body"

3rd Person P.O.V

Yuu smiled softly, his eyes closed. the twins groaned and stretched. they squinted at the sight of Yuu smiling, only to get a glare as a reply.

Rie : "Must be hallucinating"

Rei : "Definitely"

Yuu : "look, it's just...I saw (y/n) looking, maybe kinda better? I didn't keep a look out last night though, the dude needs his space"

The girls eyes widen, asking for reassurance from Yuu's statement.

"Hey I'm just saying what I see, you know how he can be" the blue haired boy spoke.

The door suddenly opened, showing (y/n) trying to dry his hair in (f/c) bomber jacket, white tee, and black cargo pants. That reminds the three that they are about to get their first mission today. They rushed to get ready, getting into their battle outfit, and preparing their weapons.

(Y/n) chuckled at the sight, seeing his teammate clumsily getting themselves ready. He went ahead to his desk to prepare the things he needs for his semblance. He put his sketchbook, a bottle of ink, and a brush inside one of the pocket in his pants. (Y/n) duck down to take his weapons from under his bed. He shakes at the sight of his scythe.

Your P. O. V

The memory I had with Ruby slowly crawled back. I remember how many times I saw her train in awe, seeing how fast and strong she can be whenever she's holding her scythe. I can feel my chest getting tight and painful, and tears starting to form in my eyes.

Oum the more I look at it, the more I remember how she's always excited over going out in vale together. How she smiles everytime she's about to take a bite from her cookies. Or how she'd grip my hand right whenever we hold hands.

All the good and sweet things about her are painted full of colors in my head. Hell, I even used some of my scythe technique the way she did. She really helped me to be..well, me.


At the same time, I remember how she lied. How she can make up an excuse everytime we're about to hang out. How she's so bitter talking about spending time with me. I can hear the sound of her moaning someone else's name echoing in my head.

Oum it's repeating in my head over and over again, as if it's punishing me over a sin I never did.



A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see Yuu, Rie, and Rei look at me in concern. My tears streaming down without me even realizing. I can feel their warm arms around me, hugging me. I cry silently. It hurts to know that I'm dragging them down with me.

"Let's go, before we angers Professor Goodwitch"

I spoke softly, trying not to have a voice crack.

My teammates let me go, and we walked to the Ampiteathre together.

3rd person P.O.V

The Ampiteathre is now swarmed with students, chattings can be heard from miles away, various topics are spoken, what's the first mission, who they went with to have a date last night, where to get the best place to eat sushi, and a lot more.

Professor Ozpin and Glynda has not yet arrived. RWBY and JNPR can be seen in the crowd. As for CRRY (it's cry, get it together everyone, if I see curry in the comment once again I will smack you into oblivion) they just arrived to the show. Yuu sighed loudly, glad Professor Goodwitch hasn't arrived.

Yang, Blake, and Ren walked over to the group, with a worried look on their face.

Ren : "hey (y/n), you alright?"

Yang : "listen, I know she won't apologize to you, but as her sister, I'm genuinely sorry (y/n)"

Blake : " yeah, I'm sorry, it's our fault for not saying anything sooner"

the (h/c) haired boy went silent for a moment, but he shrugged his head. his team behind him waited for their leader's response.

"It's alright, but yeah, you should've told me sooner" he answered as he looked away.

The sound of Glynda's heels echoes in the Ampiteathre, the noise from all the students that were talking earlier are now filled with silence. The room is tense, since you know..Glynda. Ozpin started his opening speech. (y/n) yawned out of boredom.

Rei : "Ozpin speeches are longer than the entire mission"

Nearly one hour later, Glynda finally took over. She started assigning mission to the teams. JNPR sure got an easy one, their mission was to kill a herd of beowulfs. Rie groaned loudly, annoyed look on her face, the team stared at her and nods, knowing she probably groaned because of how boring the mission is.

"And for Team CRRY."

the team quickly look up the stage and locked their eyes to Glynda.

"You will be assigned with team RWBY, Your task is to kill 3 ursas disturbing a village nearby, please cooperate well with each other, i have so much hope in your team"

(Y/n) eyes went wide, he slowly turned towards RWBY. He watched as Ruby cheered for her first mission, everyone in her team smiled alongside her. Hoping that the red hooded would come over to him and say something. But instead, Jaune came over to Ruby to say good luck, and gave her a hug and a kiss, knowing that (y/n) is watching.

Who will want me now, now that I've fallen from your clouds?

I'm Sorry || Cheater Ruby x Depressed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now