Ch. 3: Protect

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Colby flew on top of Sam after the other boy passed out as Elton and Corey barged in the room; eyes bright red and hungry. Colby bared his teeth in defense. This was not good.

"Come on now, guys, take it easy! You both have omega girlfriends...please leave Sam and I alone; I don't want to hurt you!" Colby said calmly, trying not to spook the older alpha's even more.

When an unbonded alpha smells an omega in heat, they turn feral and inconsolable. Corey and Elton might have omega girlfriend's, but neither have bonded yet. 

And while Colby was still freaking out about his best friend being an omega that was in heat (now of all god damn times), he knew it was his duty as Sam's best friend to protect him.

Even if it meant from their own friends. Colby was hoping it wouldn't come down to this point, but it looked like he was going to have go full alpha in order to protect Sam. He might need some back up here too. Fuck.

This day quickly turned sour, that's for sure.

Corey and Elton snarled in response, taking a few steps closer to the pair. Colby tensed and instantly shifted into wolf form so Sam was curled under him completely, away from view. It wasn't safe for a new omega in heat to go untouched by an alpha for too long. 

He needed Corey and Elton to snap out of it and leave now before Sam got hurt.

Not that an alpha would hurt an omega on purpose because they were so rare (especially males, their scent was much stronger than females from what Colby has heard), but, in this state, Sam could get easily hurt and Colby wasn't going to let that happen. 

Colby knew Elton and Corey wouldn't risk hurting Sam over a heat, but he wasn't going to risk his best friends safety for anything.

Colby let out a loud growl and snarled, now sitting on top of a very warm, pale, and sweaty Sam as Elton and Corey kept getting closer.

Fuck. He might have to call Amanda and Devyn to get their attention - or even Brennen - for backup. The other alpha always had Colby's back in fights. (Not that he got into that many..anyways)

If only they weren't four hours away...

Elton and Corey were less than two feet from them now, looking ready to shift themselves. It looked like Colby was going to have to shift back and call Amanda and Devyn on Skype to knock them out of the trance they were in.

Stupid Omega heats. They could attract Alpha's within a 20 mile radius if they weren't locked in a scent blocked room.

This was not how he expected his day to turn...he was hoping to just lay in bed, curled up with Sam, and watching YouTube videos or scrolling through twitter.

Hesitating, Colby took one glance down at Sam and made his decision.

The blonde was looking paler by the minute, and if Colby didn't do something about Sam's heat soon then they were about to enter some hot water. Like he said before, if a new omega starting their first heat was left unattended for more than three hours into their heat, it was dangerous. 

The symptoms made Colby shiver in fear for his friend.

They could go into shock, get a super high fever, damage their kidney's, lungs, heart, etc. etc. And the damage would be irreversible unless bonded. And Colby didn't think Sam would be too happy about being bonded so young. 

Or to his best friend...

Colby suddenly felt his body freeze in shock. 

Who knows how long Sam was in heat for...No! It could've already been two hours for all Colby knew. He needed to move this along quickly! Shifting back, Colby tore his phone from his pocket and speed dialed Amanda and Devyn's numbers in a video group chat. 

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