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Ava awoke seated in chains to the sight of a masked creature. It wore a white coat and its mask resembled a ghastly turtle sewn from weathered leather.

"Where am I?" She shrieked as she tried to come to her senses. The creature tilted its head and let out a muffled laugh.

"I knew you would come. Looks like you found what you were looking for." The creature hissed.

"The L-l-luth," she stammered as her vision began to regain focus.

"The one and only. Looks like you're parched I can barely understand you. Emilio give her something to drink!" A penguin waddled into the room with a canteen clenched between its flippers. The focus of this animal was admirable as it lifted the drink to captured agent's dry lips. Reluctantly she drank the liquid.

"What the hell is that," she quipped.

"Exactly what you came for."

"The truth serum."

"Seems as though its already taken effect," the creature hissed. "That truth serum you speak of is Honest® Tropical Green Tea. Now it's time for me to ask the questions." A look of terror washed over the agents face as she realized what she had just ingested. The creature moved close enough for her to feel the heat of its breath. "Do you know why they sent you of all the S.I.P. agents, Rex."

"Because I'm the best." How does this creature know who I am? Ava thought. "No, I'm the best and you're just a sequel,"

"What kind of sequel are we talking here?" She said reluctantly.

"If I'm The Mask. You're Son of the Mask,"

"Nooooooo! That was horrible. Hold up, what do you mean sequel?"

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