Scene 35 - More Roller Coaster

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!!! WARNING !!!

smut alert!

If you are underage, skip this chapter!


Hae Wong smiled seductively as he groaned in a mock revengeful tone :

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to pay you back for this, now..."

Jimin smiled too and giggled shortly, then leaned his head back and closed his eyes again as he felt his man's gifted hands progressing from his thighs to their inner skin.

Then his heavenly kisses on that soft part, some delicious nibbles at it, and his sensuous hands moving on to his clothed knot.

His breathing changed rhythm yet again, and his moaning resumed as Hae Wong first palmed him.

Then at slow, delightful speed, he rubbed through his brief, gradually increasing the pressure, and as Jimin's panting got faster, Hae Wong paced up just a tiny bit.

Jimin's mewls got a little louder, a little longer.

They increased even more as Hae Wong's warm mouth went over his briefed bulge, kissing it, then massaging it thoroughly with firm lips.

Jimin's mind was just a complete mess at this point, his ideas deliciously unclear.

When Hae Wong finally nibbled gently at his crotch, Jimin gasped and started to moan loudly.

All this felt like sheer heaven and any previous embarrassment had vanished –  now the only thought that roamed the young one's mind was "MORE."

Once again, Jimin's hands carded through the blond's hair, their moves tuned to his breathing and to his moaning chants as ecstasy was spreading.

He got an even stronger grip as the level of pleasure he was experiencing increased when he felt his man's hands and his lips on his thighs, his skin, his knot.

His hold froze and intensified even more, and his whines got louder while he felt his honey's mouth on his underwear, moving around, massaging his crotch in the best feel he had ever experienced.

After eternal minutes of paradise, he felt Hae Wong raise his head.

He was looking back at his face for his reactions as his hands reached for his briefs' elastic band, expecting some protest, or restraint, or blushing, but actually seeing his angel biting his lower lip in heavenly expectation.

As the pause in his moves dropped the tension just a bit, the haze in Jimin's mind faded just enough to enable his brains to realize he had been on the receiving end for quite a while.

Before he would be unable again to think straight, he took a hold of his prince's shoulder and arm, and made him move around nearer to him so that he too could take care of his lover properly.

Making his charmer shift at an angle, he was now also able to reach for his waist, so that they both could simultaneously undress the other one.

Jimin breathed in deeply as he felt Hae Wong's smooth white skin under his palms, and the nice curves of his muscular buttocks under his fingers, stripping him off of his classy black underwear, brushing his front as he released his beautiful erected manliness.

The dancer was excited that he would finally get to please his man too, but he was a little nervous at his lack of experience, blushing once more at the idea.

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