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It's been a couple of weeks since Ramona knotted Erin and she needs to apologize. So Ramona is driving over to her house right now to tell her but it's not Erin who opens the door it's a guy "can I help you"? Ramona smiles "hi uh Erin home"? The guy nods "yea...ERIN SOME WOMENS HERE TO SEE YOU"!

Erin sat in the bathroom horrified at what she seen...she was looking at a positive pregnancy test. Erin was crying, gripping the counter and it wasn't because she was pregnant because she loves kids and she has a job and is well off. It was the fact that she didn't know if the baby was Scot's or Ramona's.

Ramona walks in the house and the guys she presumed is Scot says "she's in the bathroom upstairs". Ramona nods and walks up the stairs and opens the bathroom door making Erin jump "Scot what the fuck...Ramona" Ramona isn't looking at her she's looking at the pregnancy test set on the counter "Erin..". Erin looks down and wipes her eyes "Rammy.." Ramona shakes her head "congrats, it's Scot's right" Erin looks at her "I'm thinking so...I mean..." Ramona's smile fades "no you said that you took your birth control..". Erin shushes her "Scot is right downstairs...I did take it...after I missed the day before" Ramona grits her teeth "Erin this isn't right.." Erin nods "I know I'm supposed to marry Scot". Ramona gets an idea "say that the baby is Scot's, he'll never know". Erin is taken aback "is this just to get you off the hook"? Ramona shakes her head "you think if we had a choice that I would give my baby up, but your getting married to this guy". Erin nods "your sure"? Ramona nods and walks out of the bathroom.

Erin is right behind her "Ramona wait" Ramona smiles "congratulations Scot, your gonna be a dad"! Scot's eyes go wide "really Erin" Erin forces a smile "yes" Scot pumps his fist in the air "we're having a baby"! Erin smiles "yea we're having a baby".

2 weeks later

Erin asks Ramona to go with her to the doctors with Scot "why did you ask me to come"? She knew the answer but was trying to be curious to not draw attention "your my best friend, and I need you there". Ramona nods as they walk into the clinic, as they sit down Scot goes to check them in. Ramona looks around at all the couples and the babies and so does Erin, Ramona sees a newborn in  a car seat and forces a smile when Erin says "your sure about this, sayin that Scot is the father"? Ramona nods still looking at the newborn "yes, it's better that way plus you really love Scot and it was a mistake". Erin nods as they are called back.

As they get back to a room they take vital signs, weight, height and ask a ton of questions. One of which is who is the father and Erin hesitates that's when Scot says proudly "I am" the nurse says congratulations and Erin looks at Ramona who is standing by the door. Ramona smiles and nods at her and the nurse turns "and who are you"? Ramona smiles "I'm Erin's best friend" the nurse nods "okay let's see how your baby is doing". She pulls out the ultra sound machine "this gel is cold" Erin shivers as Scot takes hold of her hand "it's okay babe I'm right here" Ramona stands still looking at Erin and Erin looks back. The ultrasound tech rubs the gel over and squints her eyes "it looks like your about 4 weeks which is when most....hold on a minute". Erin looks at Ramona and she has moved from her place on the wall to standing in front of Erin's bed "what's wrong"? The ultrasound tech looks at them "I have to get the doctor" Erin starts to panic and Ramona puts her hand on her leg to calm her down "I'm sure everything is fine". Erin nods and Scot kisses her head "yea babe".

A few minutes later the doctor rushes in "hello I'm Dr. Mark Trevon, I'm gonna look at the ultra sound". He swirls the monitor around the gel and starts counting "it appears that there are 5 babies". Erin looks at the monitor horrified and Ramona does the same thing, the doctor points out the little sacs on screen "there's 1,2,3,4 and 5". Erin has a tear in her eye as the doctor says "this is very rare, you guys didn't use any help maybe IVF"? Ramona shakes her head "no we...uhh they didn't" Scot looks at him "so how rare is this pregnancy"? The doctor looks at the screen "I'd say very rare it's a 1 in 55 million chance. So I'd say that your very cursed or lucky however you look at it". Scot smiles but the doctor says "the more babies that are in your stomach the less chance you will carry to full term so there are options for a better chance of carrying to term". Erin looks at him and Ramona does to he says "what I mean is..selectively reducing the pregnancy to maybe 2 or 3". Erin shake her head but doesn't say anything and Scot just stares "how high risk are we talking doc"? Dr.Trevon looks down "you are carrying 5 babies which is something I've never seen before. It's very high risk". Scot nods "Erin, we can give the 2 or 3 we keep a better shot at living if we just take away the others". The doctor nods but Ramona is angry she thinks "their not even his babies, their mine and Erin's he shouldn't even have a say" but then she remembers he was told they were his.

Back in the car Erin is still quiet holding sonogram pictures, Ramona is silent to and she is contemplating what is going to happen next when Scot says "I don't know why you didn't get it done today babe, I mean the longer we wait the more high risk". Erin shakes her head "I can't let 2 or 3 die to give the others a chance" Ramona looks out the window as Scot says "why the fuck not"! Ramona growls "leave her alone, it's a lot to process" Scot looks at her in the mirror "I don't even know why your here, it's not like you have any relation to my kids". Ramona rolls her eyes and sits back, the challenge not sitting very well in her mind.

When they get back to Erin and Scot's place Erin gets out and walks over to Ramona's car "I want you to have one". Ramona takes a sonogram and looks at it "Erin, I'm really sorry I never meant for this to happen" Erin nods then turns when she sees Scot is gone "I want to tell Scot the babies aren't his". Ramona's eyes go wide "what, but your getting married and I won't be known as the friend who broke up a family"! Erin shushes her "you won't be, their your kids not Scot's and I'm starting to think that I really do love you". Ramona nods "Erin, you said it yourself in the locker room. We had sex and it was a mistake" Ramona gets in her car and drives off leaving Erin holding back tears.

Ramona Bachmann and Erin Cuthbert Where stories live. Discover now