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Another 4 weeks pass and Erin is 4 months pregnant, Erin comes to a lot of the Chelsea games while she still can and all the girls love seeing her especially Ramona. So after the game against Arsenal Ramona heads over to Erin "hey, how are you doing"? Erin smiles and takes Ramona's hand "I feel really good, morning sickness has past and know I feel like I'm always eating" Ramona laughs and Erin smiles "I have a new ultrasound picture for you" Ramona nods and smiles as she looks at the picture she stops "I can't believe that there are 5 babies in your stomach". Erin nods as Ramona places a hand on her bump "can I sleep over, Scot is out of town with work and I don't like being in that house by myself". Ramona nods as she packs her stuff and they head to Ramona's car "I'll drop you off here tomorrow so you can get it".

When they are finally inside Ramona is eating a banana watching premier league with Erin laying right next to her "the doctor said that they can hear your voice know and that they'll sometimes remember a song or a voice when they are out". Ramona nods as Erin lays her head on her shoulder "so I was thinking" Ramona looks at her "what"? Erin takes Ramona's hand "you could maybe talk to them in German, I mean if they don't ever get to know you as their real "dad". I at least want them to hear your voice in your native tongue". Ramona kisses Erin's head "okay, what do you want me to say"? Erin shrugs "anything" Ramona nods and gets down to where Erin's belly is and places a hand on it "uhhh... Hallo Babys, ich bin deine andere Mutter und ich möchte, dass du weißt, dass ich dich so sehr liebe. Du bist schon so sehr von mir und deiner Mutter geliebt". Ramona has to stop and compose herself "Und ich werde das nie wieder sagen, ich möchte, dass du weißt, dass du immer mein sein wirst und du immer einen Platz in meinem Herzen haben wirst, den niemand sonst füllen kann. Ich liebe euch alle fünf und ich hüpfe, du wirst meine Stimme nicht vergessen". Ramona ends the speech with a kiss to Erin's stomach and fresh tears in both their eyes "was that good" Erin nods and wipes away the tears in both their eyes "that was perfect".

2 weeks later

When Scot came back from his business trip 2 weeks ago he was not expecting Ramona to be there the second he walked in the door he was yelling at her to get out and Ramona had half the mind to tell him to shut the fuck up but instead went quietly. So when Erin showed up on her front doorstep Ramona pulled her in out of the rain "Erin what's the matter with you"? Erin's eyes were red and puffy from crying and she clung to Ramona as best she could with the bump in the way "Rammy...please...I can't go back there...Scot he....he..." Ramona pulled away a little "he what Erin"? Erin sobbed back into her shoulder "he hit me" Ramona's eyes went wide with rage "what, where, are you okay are the babies okay"! Erin nodded "he hit me over my head and then started to scream and yell so I just left, please I can't go back there and I can't have him around our kids". Ramona nodded "I have coffee in the pot brewing lay on the couch and I'll be right back" Erin held onto her "please don't go, please Ramona" Ramona shook her head "he needs to pay for this Erin".

Ramona drove the 5 miles to Erin's house and knocked on the door "Scot open the door"! Scot threw the door open "are you sleeping with my fiancée"! Ramona sneered "I wouldn't call her that anymore, what gives you the right to hit a pregnant woman" Scot stood silent "answer me" Ramona pushed him into the hallway "I want you gone, out of town out of Erin's life and if your not packed and gone by tomorrow me and you are going to have problems"! Scot stood up "what gives you he right to come in here and tell me to be out of my kids lives" Ramona chose her words carefully "because you don't deserve Erin, she's better than you, 100 times better". Scot nodded "get the fuck out of my house and if I catch you even talking to Erin again I'll.." Ramona cut him off "you'll what"! Scot punched her "I'll end you, Dr.Trevon told me that you kissed Erin at the clinic and you said that you love her...that's wrong, home wrecking". Ramona shoved Scot hard into the steps "it's not home wrecking if the babies are yours, I want you out by tomorrow". With that Ramona left Scot speechless sitting on the step.

Ramona Bachmann and Erin Cuthbert जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें