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It's been a month since Ramona last talked to Erin, she's been keeping herself busy with football at Chelsea Ladies FC but she's missing Erin and wants to see her. So that's why she's in her car driving to Erin's place, Ramona pulls up in the drive way and her palms are sweaty when she knocks on the door. Scot answers "what do you want"? Ramona looks at him "is Erin home"? Scot nods "yes but she doesn't want to see you" he goes to close the door but Ramona pries it open "I don't care if she doesn't want to see me, where...is...she"! Scot looks at her with fear in his eyes "in our bedroom" Ramona smirks and heads upstairs "Erin...Erin open the door". Erin sighs as she puts her shirt down while looking in the mirror at her bump "coming" when Erin opens the door Ramona steps in "Erin please we need to...wow you popped". Erin scoffs "yea a lot happens fast when your pregnant with 5" Ramona stares at the bump, Erin can't help a smile "you can feel it". Ramona looks down and puts both her hands on each side, Erin gets closer to Ramona and puts her head on Ramona's shoulder. Ramona kisses Erin's neck "your beautiful, and I'm sorry I said what I said. I just...just" Erin kisses Ramona to shut her up "it's fine Rammy, I just don't think it's fair". Ramona nods still holding Erin's belly "do you let Scot do this"? Erin snickers "Scot doesn't come near me anymore, he thinks I'm a ticking time bomb with my morning sickness and mood swings". Ramona laughs and Erin goes on "when we go to bed he doesn't even touch me and I'm a person, I need to be touched". Ramona nods and says into Erin's skin "I'll touch you" Erin's breath gets stuck in her throat as Ramona kisses her again this time with passion and tenderness.

Scot finally works up the courage to go up to his room to see what his fiancée and Ramona are doing "there room for one...what the fuck"! Erin jumps and pulls away from Ramona and Ramona turns around to see Scot glaring at her "what the hell do you think your doing with my pregnant fiancée"! Scot walks closer and Ramona stands her ground, Scot gets so close Ramona can feel his breath "get the hell out of my house"! Erin looks at him as Ramona starts to head out of the room she looks back at Erin "bye".

2 weeks later

Ramona woke up this Saturday morning to a single text from Erin it read 12 week appointment today at 2 Scot isn't going to be there.  Ramona looks at the clock and it reads 10am and since it's Sunday there is no practice so she replies I wouldn't miss it.

It's noon and Ramona just picked up Erin "hey stranger" Erin smiles and sits down in the passenger seat "hey" Ramona smiles at her and drives them to the clinic.

When they get to the clinic they go back immediately and are given a room "why isn't Scot here"? Erin shrugged "he said he had to go to work" Ramona nodded and Dr.Trevon came in "hello Erin, Ramona" they both said hi and Erin grabbed ahold of Ramona's hand. Dr.Trevon asked some questions and then brought out the ultrasound machine "looks like you have a bump already, that's good". Ramona squeezed Erin's hand as they both looked at the monitor Erin smiles and starts to cry as she sees her babies on the screen and Ramona looks at them amazed "wow, how are they doing"? The doctor nods "they all look good, let's see if we can hear their heartbeats" Erin grips Ramona's hand hard and Ramona squeezes back "it's okay Erin". After a few seconds they hear a tum tum tum and Erin loses it "do they all have heartbeats"? Dr.Trevon nods "yes they all have strong heartbeats". Ramona wipes her eyes as she listens to her babies heartbeats and she kisses Erins cheek "I love you so much". Dr.Trevon narrows his eyes but doesn't say anything "would you like a picture"? Erin and Ramona both nod "yea please".

Ramona drives Erin home and when Erin gets out she stares at her copy of the ultrasound wondering what her babies are doing and what they'll look like. When another car pulls in and Scot comes out "what the fuck are you doing in my driveway"? Ramona rolls her eye "relax I'm just leaving" Scot is furious "just leaving get the hell....what is that"! Ramona slides the ultrasound photo under her leg "none of your business" Scot lunges at her but she backs up faster and leaves the house.

Ramona Bachmann and Erin Cuthbert Where stories live. Discover now