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"Who the fuck else would it be?" Zayn's rough tone cleared Harry's stupor a bit, and he struggled to sit up, not wanting to look weak in front of him. He couldn't help but moan when he felt the other boy's hands grip him to pull him to his feet. They were just as rough as Harry remembered, and they sent a thrill though him.

"Thanks," Harry said once he was on his feet, feeling unsteady thanks to the beating and Zayn's dark gaze.

"I thought I made it clear that you weren't welcome here," Zayn said, his voice so cold and detached that it made Harry wobble on his feet even more. So he really couldn't be blamed for reaching a hand out to Zayn's shoulder to steady himself. Only he could be blamed, because he knew better. Zayn stiffened at the contact but to Harry's surprise he didn't push him off.

"I had to come back."

"Why? What could possibly be here for you?" Zayn asked, and if Harry wasn't most likely concussed he would have been sure that he saw something flicker in Zayn's eyes.

"I don't know if there's anything for me here. I don't know if there's anything for me anywhere, but I had to come back." Zayn must have realized that he wasn't going to get more of an explanation, because he turned to head out of the alley, wrapping an arm around Harry's waist to help him.

The joy Harry felt was short lived. Zayn dropped his arm and stepped away from him as soon as they were under the streetlamp.

"I don't know why you're here, Harry," Zayn began, and Harry's breath hitched at the sound of his name on those lips, those lips that he had been thinking about for years. "And I don't really give a fuck. But if I hear one word about that night you will regret it."

"That night?" Harry pressed, feeling bold and not wanting Zayn to walk away from him yet.

Zayn pulled Harry back into the shadows and pushed him up against the brick wall with his body. "Don't fuck with me," he warned. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Harry could feel Zayn's breath on his face, and he was sure that the smell of cigarettes and beer wouldn't be nearly as appealing coming from anyone else. His body responded immediately, and his voice was deeper than normal when he responded.

"I remember."

Zayn stared at Harry's mouth as he spoke, and when Harry bit his lower lip Zayn found himself biting his own and involuntarily pushing his hips against the other boy's. Harry's gasp must have startled Zayn though, because he jumped back, not stopping until he hit the other wall.

"I remember too," he breathed before shaking his head and turning to get out of the alley as fast as he could. Harry watched him go, both boys remembering that night and cursing themselves for not being able to forget.

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