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Liam walked Harry home from school the next day, and Harry didn't think it was fair. It wasn't fair that Liam was talking about how he was the captain of the football team and how he'd transferred to Bradford the year before. It wasn't fair that Liam was talking about everything but the thing.

This was the part of meeting someone new that Harry hated the most. Or at least that was the excuse he gave himself for why he hadn't tried to be with anyone since Zayn, though it was really just that he couldn't imagine himself with anyone but Zayn. It didn't help that Harry was admittedly never good at figuring out who he stood a chance with, not sure what signals meant what.

So while it was great to hear that Liam was single after trying and failing to make his long distance relationship work, when it came to Liam Harry didn't know what was up and what was down. Liam was friendly, yes, but was he being friendly as a friend or as a friend? Harry was clueless, and a little annoyed that Liam wasn't being more straightforward, considering that Harry was most obviously not straight.

He knew that guys who dropped their wrist and had lisps and wore fucking flowers in their hair were obviously twinks, but Liam was big and strong and tough, so it wasn't fair that he wasn't coming right out and telling Harry just who that relationship had been with, and just why exactly he was even talking to Harry.

So Harry was almost glad to have reached his house, and more than glad to be done with the enigma that was Liam Payne, when Liam spoke up.

"So how about you, Hazza, are you dating anyone?" he asked while looking down at the ground. Harry noted that Liam seemed somewhat nervous for the first time all day, and that his shoes had apparently just become incredibly interesting. He smiled at the thought that he might not be the only one treading in unfamiliar waters here.

"Me? Nah, I'm pretty much perpetually single."

"But why? You're gorgeous," Liam said, making Harry's cheeks heat.

"There was this one guy, but..."

Harry was interrupted in the middle of his sentence, which was a good thing really, since he had no idea what he'd been about to say.

"Well well well, what do we have here?"

Harry's head shot up and he immediately locked eyes with Zayn. Of course it had to be Zayn. When Harry looked at him he felt everything that he thought he'd maybe, possibly, been feeling about Liam, but times a million. Harry felt his heart drop, wondering if it would always be this way, what once seemed golden paling in comparison to Zayn, who to Harry shone brighter than any star in the sky.

Zayn was standing with two of his sidekicks and looking thoroughly pissed off, and Harry automatically took a step away from Liam, not wanting Zayn to get the wrong idea.

"I said, what do we have here?" Zayn repeated, a rude edge to his tone.

"Is there a problem?" Liam asked, taking a step towards Zayn. Harry was impressed that Liam didn't seem to be intimidated, but the last thing he wanted was for a fight to break out on his doorstep.

"Just wondering what you're doing here. Don't you live across town?" 

"Yeah, so?" Liam asked.

"So you need to get the fuck off my street," Zayn ordered.

Liam took another step forward until he was within arm's reach of Zayn, but Louis blocked him from getting any closer. Harry had seen the same scenario play out too many times, so he quickly grabbed Liam by the shoulder and pulled him back.

"It's fine, Li, you should probably get home."

Liam turned to Harry. "Are you sure you'll be okay, Hazza?"

"Don't worry, Li, we'll take good care of Hazza," Zayn sneered. Harry's heart skipped a beat at the sound of his new nickname on Zayn's lips, but he tried to focus on Liam.

"I'll be okay. I'm going inside right now," Harry said, opening his front door.

"Okay," Liam said, sounding unsure. "I'll call you as soon as I get home, yeah?"

Harry nodded and closed the door, locking it and running to the window to make sure that Liam got away safely. Liam and Zayn bumped shoulders as he walked past the group, but after a moment of staring after him Zayn and his friends turned away. They headed down the street in the opposite direction, but not before Zayn stole a look over his shoulder at the window where Harry was standing. Harry stared right back, unable to tear his eyes away.

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