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Liam was mysteriously absent at lunch, which gave Harry way too much time to think as he sat alone at a table in the corner of the cafeteria. Way too much time to worry that Liam had changed his mind about their date. He became more and more convinced of this as the minutes ticked by, and for the second time that day he found himself on the verge of tears. He knew that he'd been foolish to think that either Zayn or Liam could possibly be interested in him, and this was obviously his punishment for having been so stupid.

He pushed his tray away from him, the pizza that he'd been looking forward to no longer sounding appealing to him, and stood up from the table so suddenly that his chair toppled over. This drew the attention of several students, heads swiveling to see what embarrassing thing Harry had done this time, and he knew he had to get out of there. He walked as quickly as he could towards the toilets, not wanting them to see him cry. Not wanting to give them another reason to laugh at him. 

The loo was thankfully empty when he entered, and he splashed some water on his face, willing himself not to overreact. He'd been stood up before, and he'd be stood up again. He'd survived much worse than this. The cold water helped bring some color back to his cheeks, and he ran his wet fingers through his hair to fluff his curls. He might be a loser who'd never get a boyfriend, but that didn't mean that he couldn't look good while he lived out the rest of his days alone.

Harry checked his watch. He only had a few minutes until his next lesson started, and of course it was the class he had with Liam. He made a promise to himself as he stared at his reflection. If Liam wasn't there, or if he ignored Harry, then that'd it; they obviously just weren't meant to be. The earth would keep spinning, and Harry would keep living, even if suddenly the idea of a world without the possibility of ever kissing Liam Payne again - of never seeing Liam smile and knowing that he was the reason for that smile - made Harry want to curl up in a ball and cry.

His hand reached for the door just as the warning bell rang, but before he could pull it towards him it was pushed open from the other side. And of course it had to be Zayn walking in. Of fucking course it had to be. Harry looked down at the floor as Zayn moved past him, not wanting to be kicked while he was down. He'd almost made it through the open door when he felt a hand brush against his own, fingertips squeezing fingertips, so gently that Harry couldn't be sure that he hadn't imagined it. But at the last second, just before the door closed between them, Harry looked up to see Zayn looking back at him from under his eyelashes, concern clear in his features. And then he was gone, and Harry was left standing at the restroom door, his hand and his heart both wishing for more.

His stomach lurched as he turned to head to class. Why? Why did he always let Zayn twist him up like this? It had been this way forever, ever since Harry had started loving Zayn. Loving him, which Harry undeniably did, meant giving Zayn power over him. Power over his feelings, power over his actions. It had been a roller coaster ride ever since Harry'd first looked into Zayn's hazel eyes, all those years ago on the playground, but now Harry just wanted off. No matter how good the highs were, and how much Harry craved more of them, he couldn't handle the ups and downs anymore. Couldn't stand never knowing where he stood with Zayn.

Liam was already in class when Harry arrived, and he paused mid-step, not sure of whether to take his regular place by Liam's side. Because it was, unofficially at least, Harry's seat, and in the few short weeks that they'd known each other there'd never been any question of whether they would sit next to each other. But then he noticed Liam's books sitting on Harry's desk, saving his spot for him, and this realization was quickly followed by Liam raising his head to see Harry standing in the doorway, his lips quirking up into a smile as he waved to Harry excitedly. He was practically bouncing in his seat as Harry made his way over, and the words puppy dog flashed through Harry's mind. He couldn't help it. Liam was just so endearing and adorable. Harry knew that it was weird to apply the word adorable to a big, strapping man like Liam, but it just fit. And it was one of the things that Harry liked most about Liam.

"I'm sorry I wasn't at lunch," he leaned over to whisper as Harry sat down, sliding his books out of the way so that Harry could set his on the desk.

"S'alright," Harry said with a shrug, not wanting to admit that he'd almost had a breakdown over his absence.

"I wanted to be there, but I wanted to set up your surprise more," Liam said, his eyes twinkling as he looked over at Harry.

Harry took a minute to gape like an idiot as Liam's words washed over him. " set up a surprise? For me?" he asked, unable to believe what he was hearing without further confirmation. 


"Well...what is it?" Harry demanded, finally allowing himself to feel some excitement. Not only did Liam still want to take him on a date, but he'd taken the time to plan something just for him.

"My lips are sealed," he told Harry, reinforcing his words by pantomiming zipping his lips and throwing the key over his shoulder. Harry let out a little giggle before schooling his mouth into a pout and batting his eyelashes. He had no idea how to flirt, and he was sure that he looked like an fool, but Liam seemed to think differently, if the way he was looking at Harry was anything to go by. "It's not fair for you to use your good looks against me. You are an evil temptress, Harry Styles, and I need to look away before I tell you all my secrets and ruin the surprise," he teased as he covered his face with his hands, turning his body away from Harry.

Harry knew that he was blushing, and grinning like a loon, but he didn't care. How could he when Liam was flirting with him, right in the middle of class, where anyone could see them? He liked Liam more and more the longer he knew him, and he found himself wanting to know all there was to know about Liam. Wanting to discover all his secrets, and to tell Liam all of his.

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