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Around midnight that night Harry awoke from a dream, the dream he always had, to the sound of someone pounding on his front door. He stumbled out of his bedroom and opened the door to see Zayn standing there, looking unsteady on his feet. He was wearing a tight white tank that showed off all of his tattoos - including several that Harry had never seen before that he ached to get a better look at - and he looked so good that it took a moment for Harry to remember how to speak.

"What're you doing here?"

"Your mum's not home, right? Hurry up and let me the fuck in," he demanded, his words slurring. Harry stepped back and Zayn followed, stumbling over the rug in the entryway. Harry paused in the hall but Zayn pushed past him and headed straight for Harry's bedroom.

"It looks just like it used to," he said as he looked around the room that he hadn't been in for years. Three years to be exact.

"I haven't spent much time here since...since I left."

Zayn pulled his gray beanie off as he sat down on the bed. "You know, I still can't believe you actually left," he said quietly, almost as if to himself, his eyes on the bedspread and not on Harry. "When we were kids it didn't matter how far I ran, you always followed. I kept running from you, but you kept following me. I told you a million times in a million different ways to stay away from me, but you never listened."

Zayn finally looked up at Harry, his head swimming. "But that time, that night, you actually listened. Why?"

"I didn't want to go, I didn't, but when I got out of hospital my mum had already packed my bags and it was decided. I didn't even get to come home before she drove me to my dad's."

"I wouldn't actually have hurt you..."

"You already had," Harry insisted, not willing to let Zayn off the hook that easily.

Zayn's eyes closed briefly. He pulled a bottle out of his back pocket and took a long pull, not even grimacing at the bitter taste. He tossed the bottle on the bed and stood up, swaying slightly as he walked towards Harry.

"But now you're back. And you look...different. When did you get so...tall? It's distracting."

"I'm distracting?" Harry asked, voice full of wonder.

"Mmmhmm," Zayn murmured. "It's putting me off of my game."

"What's your game?"

"You know, how nothing gets to me."


"Fuck off, it's true. I don't give a shit about anything," Zayn lied.

"Then why are you here? Why are you at my house, drunk, in the middle of the night?"

Zayn ignored the question. "What's up with you and Payne?"

"We're friends. I just met him."

"That asshole thinks he rules the school just cause he knows how to kick a ball. You shouldn't be friends with him."

Harry laughed. "He said the same thing about you on the phone today."

Zayn took a step closer to Harry. "That prick said that? Why would he say that? What the fuck did you tell him, Harry?" he asked, poking him in the chest.

Harry took a step back but Zayn followed. "Nothing, I didn't tell him anything."

"You better not be lying to me, I swear to God," Zayn threatened, getting right up in Harry's face.

Being this close to Zayn made Harry crazy and stupid and brave. He leaned forward a bit but just as his lips grazed Zayn's he pushed Harry back onto the bed.

"Don't you dare fucking try to kiss me," he growled.

Harry, still crazy and stupid and brave and madly in love, stood back up right in front of Zayn, the craziness and stupidity and bravery still coursing through his body. "And what if I do?"

Harry was taunting Zayn and he knew it was a bad idea but it was the only one he had to keep Zayn close.

"Don't push me, Styles," Zayn ordered, stepping forward until his body was flush against Harry's. But Harry wanted to push him, to push him until he snapped, so he once again leaned forward until his lips were against Zayn's.

The next thing he knew he was on his bed flat on his stomach, Zayn with a hand in his hair and a knee on his back. "Is this what you want, Harry? Do you want me to show you that I own you, that I can do with you whatever I please?"

"Yes," Harry whimpered. Zayn groaned and slid his knee down so that it was between Harry's legs and he was lying on top of the other boy. Harry could feel how hard Zayn was and he bucked back against him to feel more.

"Don't fucking move," Zayn ordered, climbing off of Harry and unbuckling his pants before pulling Harry's down as well. He didn't bother with any formalities, eager to show Harry who was in charge. Harry heard Zayn spit on his hand and a second later he was pushing inside of him, causing Harry to feel like he was being split in half. Harry moaned at the feeling of fullness and grasped at his sheets to anchor himself.

"Yeah, you like that don't you? Say it, tell me how it feels."

"Fuck, it feels amazing. So good, Zayn."

Zayn moaned as he pounded harshly into Harry's tight hole. "Yeah, well I don't give a fuck how it feels to you," he said, but his hands told a different tale as he pulled Harry up on all fours and wrapped a hand around his cock.

Harry moved back against Zayn so that he could go deeper, wanting to be a good boy for him. He had missed the feeling of Zayn's dick inside of him and his hand jerking him off, and his head was spinning in ecstasy. He bit his lip to keep quiet though, not wanting to say anything that would cause the other boy to stop.

Zayn's movements became more irregular as he neared his climax. "Say my name, Harry, say it," he grunted.

"Zayn!" Harry yelled out. "Zayn, you feel so fucking good."

That was all it took for Zayn to come, and feeling him spill into him made Harry come as well. Zayn pulled out immediately and Harry rolled over onto his back, a smile on his face.

"What the fuck are you grinning at?" Zayn barked out as he did up his pants.

"You," Harry answered in that low, slow way of his.

Zayn rolled his eyes and took a step forward. "Not one word of this," he warned, bending down to look Harry right in the eyes. "And if you ever try to kiss me again I'll bite your fucking tongue off."

With that, Zayn was out of the room, leaving Harry alone and confused once again. But he still fell asleep with a smile on his face, having decided a long time ago that, when it came to Zayn, he'd take whatever he could get.

These Violent Delights (Zirry Love Triangle)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum