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Liam came over the next day too, and by the time school rolled around on Monday morning and Harry found the handsome lad waiting for him by his locker he felt like if they weren't already dating then they might be soon.

He greeted Liam with a big hug, wishing that he had the courage to just kiss him already, and Liam seemed reluctant to let go of Harry so that he could get his books out. Harry smiled when the other boy immediately took those books out of his arms, saying that he wanted to carry them for him. But then Zayn walked by, glaring first at Liam and then at Harry, and Harry didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He met Liam in between every class, and they played footsie all through lunch. Harry hadn't seen Zayn again, and by the time that school ended and Liam asked if he could walk him home he wasn't thinking about anything but the butterflies in his stomach and the thought that this might be it.

Harry couldn't help but long to kiss Liam's plump lips. How could he, when they looked so inviting, like they were made just for Harry. Their hands brushed a few times on the walk to Harry's, and he wondered what it would feel like to interlock his fingers with Liam's.

He paused when they reached his front stoop, fiddling with his keys just to give Liam the few extra seconds that he hoped he was waiting for to make his move. After a bit of an awkward silence he all but gave up, putting the key in the lock before turning back to say goodbye.

The next thing he knew his face was being cupped by two big hands, strong yet gentle as they caressed his cheeks. Harry kept his eyes open as Liam began to move in, not wanting to miss a thing. But they fluttered shut of their own volition as soon as their mouths met.

Liam's lips were just as soft as Harry had imagined, so soft that he melted into the kiss, his mouth opening without his brain telling it to. Liam's lips parted as well, and a second later Harry felt a tongue against his own.

It felt so good that Harry found himself moving closer to Liam, gripping his shirt with both hands as he pressed their bodies together. Liam felt big and strong against him, and he couldn't help but moan as Liam slid a hand down to the small of Harry's back to bring him even closer.

Liam tasted like cinnamon and something else, something that Harry couldn't identify but that tasted better than anything else ever had. Harry licked his way further into Liam's mouth, wanting to taste more of him. Wanting to taste all of him.

He let out a whimper that would have been embarrassing if he wasn't so turned on as Liam pulled away. Harry blinked, feeling a bit dizzy as he realized that he'd been ready to shag Liam right in his front yard, in broad daylight.

Liam shot him a shy smile as he licked his lips. Harry's eyes followed the path of his tongue, imagining what it would feel like on his body, before Liam let out a giggle that brought Harry back to reality. He quickly shifted his books in front of him, trying to cover up his arousal and wondering if Liam could turn him on that much with just a kiss, what else could he do to him?

Harry knew that he shouldn't ask; that he should at least pretend to play hard to get, but he just couldn't help himself.

"Would you like to come in? Me mum's not home."

Liam took a deep breath before answering, looking into Harry's eyes as he spoke.

"I can't think of anything I'd rather do, Haz. But I better not. I really like you, and I don't think we should rush things. Is that okay?"

Harry wanted to shout that it wasn't okay, that he needed Liam. Needed him to love him and to take his mind off of everyone who didn't love him, but he knew that wasn't fair, so he just nodded.

"Will you meet me by your locker tomorrow morning?" Liam asked. Harry nodded again, smiling as Liam traced his finger along his jaw.

"Good. I hope you'll be meeting me there every morning," he said as he gave Harry a soft kiss on the lips; one that was far too brief in Harry's opinion.

Harry stood in the open doorway as Liam turned and started to walk away, praying that he would look at him again before he disappeared for the evening. His prayers were answered when he turned around to face Harry as he reached the edge of the yard, standing still with his hand over his heart like he was about to make a pledge.

"Oh and Harry? That was one hell of a first kiss," he shouted, his eyes crinkling as a big grin overtook his face. Harry had to will himself not to jump up and down right on his front stoop, and he rushed inside as quickly as he could, knowing that he couldn't hold back his glee for long. As soon as the door was closed behind him he did a little victory dance, shaking his hips and pumping his fists in the air as he replayed Liam's parting words over and over in his head.

He froze when he heard a knock at the door, worried for a second that someone had seen his ridiculous display. His heart then began to pound impossibly fast as he realized that Liam must have changed his mind; that he must have come back for more.

Harry would have skipped to the door if he hadn't already been standing next to it. His hands were shaking as he turned the knob and yanked it open, expecting to have Liam rush into his arms.

Instead he felt all of the air leave his lungs as he was pushed roughly up against the wall in his foyer. And instead of seeing Liam's kind face in front of him he found himself staring into the eyes of a very angry Zayn.

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