The risky escape

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"Dekota! Wake up kitty, kitty" A voice called from the distance. Dekota opened his majestic, yellow eyes and peered at the human pouring little pellets into his bowl. Dekota revolted in disgust, but although the food was awful he truely loved his owner. Dekota padded over to nuzzle into her arm, but then it went black. Dekota was suddenly was asleep again, this time instead of hearing her heart-warming voice to wake him, Dekota heard loud barking, he pounced awake, awaiting an intruder. The house was dull as the moon dimly lit the house, now that the night had swarmed around it. Dekota's audits pricked as he heard the slight sound of a cat-flap! Dekota bounded to it, claws unsheathe! But again it went black. This time Dekota woke up his ears ringing, and a small amount of blood oozing from his foreleg. Behind him was a black, murderous, wolf with a huge scar running across his face. Dekota only knew one thing... RUN! Dekota rolled away from the foes flank and made a B-line for the back glass sliding door. The wolf felt Dekota's sudden panic and chased after Dekota! Dekota only slightly felt the cobble beneath his padestrials as he fled from the only thing he knew. He pounced off the garden wall onto the soft green grass, cold but smooth. Dekota peered around the senses of wild prey and the leaves on the trees was all to much, but there was no turning back now. He was being hunted, He twisted his cranium as a giant beast had left from the garden wall. Dekota running blindly into the forest. The wolf barked and growled, Dekota could feel it's breathing. Luckily he found a huge oak tree was just a few feet away. Dekota elevated upwards using the wolf's crainuim as the launch pad. Enraging the foe was the worst distraction, but still was an option. Dekota tried to catch his breath staring around at his new surroundings. He was in a beautiful forest, with a giant crystal blue stream. Dekota smiled but misunderstood the wolf's intelligence, as a the tree began to shake. The small branch dekota was perched on flung him around, and suddenly he lost his grip plummeting into the deadly stream. Scrabbling for air he bobbed around, only to finally catch his claws on a small piece of firewood drifting down the stream. The wolf peered at the stream, which was far to deep to dive into and chase after a scrawny kitty-pet so finally went without dinner. Keeping his optics on the hungry devilish wolf, Dekota didn't notice the rushing water pushing him far down stream. But Dekota felt the puny log starting to sink under his wait, and then it went black.  

Dekota cat of the wildHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin