Goodbye Old World

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Swoosh! Swoosh!

Went the wind. It was a cold winter. School was canceled. I had nothing else to do, but stay home with my sister, L. Mama and Papa were at a business trip. We were used to it since they were always away.

"Eric! I'm so bored!" L whined as she laid on her bed with her head hanging off of the corner.

"Hmm... I don't know." I shrugged continuing to read my manga. It got quiet for several of minutes and all we could hear was the wind rushing through.

"Whatcha reading?" L jumped on my bed, sitting next to me.

"Umm... Attack on Titan?" I said.

She started to shift closer to me and read the book.

"Erwin is hot. I don't understand why Levi doesn't give him the serum." She sighed.

"Levi is hot, so I forgive him." I smiled to myself.

"I keep forgetting your gay. My twin brother... is gay."

"WHAT! IM NOT GAY!" I said nervously until an idea came to my head.

"HOW ABOUT WE WATCH ATTACK ON TITAN MARATHON?!" L and I screeched at the same time.

"I'll get the popcorn and blankets." L rushed out the room.

"I'll set the tv up." I ran to the living room. I looked through Hulu for Attack on Titan English dub. We always watched the Sub since we didn't really like the dub, but I don't feel like reading today.

"OUCH!" I said as a hot sense creeped on my hand, "Dammit, L! Did you burn yourself again?"

I could tell L was about to lie since we can read each others minds, "Uhh, no?"

"You know, we feel the same pain, so be careful." I rolled my eyes as I flopped on to the couch.

"Here's the popcorn." L hopped next to me. I got the unpause button and the show began.


L fell asleep on my shoulder. I shoved her off and laid my eyes on the screen.

Just like that everything changed

My eyes felt droopy and I soon fell asleep.


My eyes shot open. I rubbed them so I could clear my vision. It was just the TV. The anime was at the part where the colossal titan broke the wall and Eren was walking to his home.

Armin pulls his hand back, "This-This is the end. They're inside. We..every last one of us is going to be devoured!"
Eren and Mikasa ran to their house to see if there Mom was okay.
A woman was crying to a crushed dead body.

I walked towards the screen slowly. I would kill everyone of those titans. They don't deserve to exist. Kill...kill...kill. Anger is all I feel when I watch the titans attack! Kill...kill...kill.


Lightning from outside struck. I didn't flinch, I just laid my eyes on the screen, stepping closer to it. The lights were flickering on and off.

"E-Eric?" L finally woke and sat up. I ignored her.

"Take my hand!" Armin screamed offering me his hand.

I pulled my hand towards the screen slowly. Suddenly it was getting sucked in. It was giant force trapping me in. I tried getting my hand out of there, but it wouldn't do anything. I looked over at L with tears in the edges of my, "HELP ME!" I stretched my other hand out to reach her.

"Eric!" She grabbed my hand, but the force was too strong and took us both in.

All there was, is black. I blinked a few times. Everything looked different. Like... more cartoonish. My clothes were ripped and dirtier. I was face planted on the ground. A girl was also laying next to me.

The girl finally lifted her head up, "What the fu... AHHH!"

"What?" I got up on my feet.

"TITAN! WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK? WHY AM I HERE? WHO ARE YOU?" The child with long, chocolate hair panicked and got up on her feet.


"Follow me!" A blonde hair boy said to us. We all ran as the scary Titan chased us. We got to a place where there were a bunch people with the same jackets that had a green unicorn badge on the arms.

"Children and women head on the boats that will lead you the other walls! There you will have food and protection! GO!" A man lead us the way. The blonde boy, the chocolate haired girl, and I boarded the ship. We sat on a bench out of breath.

The blonde boy finally could finally breath, "I'm Armin. I was waiting for my friends until then you guys just appeared out of no where."

"I'm Eric." I introduced myself.

"Eric! It's you!" The girl hugged me.

Wait, is it my sister, "L?" I asked hugging back lightly.

"Yes, it's me!" She pulled away, "What's going on? We were just pulled inside the TV and now... WE ARE IN ATTACK ON TITAN? WHAT THE FUCK? I DON'T WANT TO BE A KID AGAIN! LOOK AT THIS!" L showed me waved her fingers at me, "AND DON'T GET ME STARTED... WHATS WITH THESE CLOTHES!" She spun around in her white dress.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW?" I screamed back.

"Umm... whats a tv?" Armin asked intimidated.

"It's something you don't know. Listen, we aren't from this world." I tried to explain.

L barged in, "We're from a more modern world. There's no titans. People just hate each other and start wars instead."

"Is there an ocean? Like a big lake with a lot of salt?" Armin curiously tilted his head.

"Yes and it's massive." I laughed.

"Does that mean there is an ocean out these walls?" Armin spiked to himself, "Oh, Look! It's Eren and Mikasa! Where's there Mrs.Jaegar?"

L and I looked at each other in disappointment knowing what had happened. Eren and Mikasa got on. Armin introduced us to them. We already knew everything that has happened to them since we watched this anime like ten thousand times... I wonder what will happen next? How did we even get here?

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