Chapter 4 (Rough Draft)

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Chapter 4

Families work a little different in PulchraGea. If something happens to your parents, your relatives have no moral responsibility to raise you. This responsibility is instead given to the king. Wards are generally placed into military service and train for years for the protection of PulchraGea. Gavin Rinnal refused to have that for her when he felt it was his own fault her parents had died. He adopted her as his own and raised her as such. They shared a special bond as father and daughter.

She began getting nightmares of his death every day after the Stewards' beacons began to shine. Even so, she woke up a little early every morning so she could take an extra long hot shower and be dressed in the latest fashions so noone would know her fear of losing her father. She knew he had to lose him eventually and she hated yours truly because I was to replace him. But who can replace her father?

Her father loved her equally and didn't want to leave her without seeing her become a woman, though it might pain her at first. With this in mind he called her to him at home the morning after Doug and I had left for Big Rock.

She was surprised to see Gavin standing in the living room with a backpack and a wooden case in his hands. She wasn't sure what it meant until she saw Robin White, Law Officer of Argentum, standing slightly behind him and to his left. She began to cry, had hoped this day wouldn't come before he passed.

"I tell you now, Katherine Elizabeth Greyson," Gavin began the ancient traditional speech, "daughter of Narakhkonara, your family history."

He spoke of her father and mother, giving them honor and praises at the creation of such a fine young woman. He spoke of her ancestors through the ages and their achievements in both peace and war, all the way back to the founding of the Silver Tribe. She wasn't listening, sacred though the history may be. It hurt too much to think he was forcing her to let him go.

It couldn't be helped when he presented the case to her. She opened the case to find a beautiful 5-point rapier inside.

"Take ye this gift of me, that ye might bear protection from the hand of evil." He held his head high with pride as he said this.

He waited as she laid the box by her feet. She steeled herself now, resigned to fate and knowing her father was determined to the same. He gave her the backpack, taking the place of the mother as well in this ceremony.

"Take ye this gift of me, that ye might begin life anew unto thineself."

The pack contained basic necessities she would need to start a new life by herself: a month's worth of rations and water, basic kitchen utensils, etc. It was a gift to jump start independence.

He began to cry as Robin's part came up. She gave Katy the pouch. In it was 200 Argentii, enough to start a life by herself. The pouch also contained the key to her new house.

"Take ye these gifts of God, that ye might prosper in the land of His King," Robin said solemnly.

Gavin drew her close and embraced her, his face stained with tears.

"Bear thee hence, my child, for my time ends and thine begins."

He looked her in the eye as he said the words, more loaded with meaning for her than anyone else they'd ever been said to. He kissed her, as is the mother's place.

"Bear thee hence, my child, for I hath raised strength and honor in thee."

We searched for days for an entrance to the underworld of the base, none yet forthcoming. My patience grew thin with every hour. The base itself had been leveled by time, nothing recognizable remaining.

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