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  Katy and I sat on the wing of Storm, my ship, somewhere out on the Southern PulchraGean Plains. It had been so busy that it was good to get away from it all for a while, you know? The wind whispered through the knee-high grass. The late evening sky flared like fire on the eastern horizon before quickly settling into glorious pinks, oranges, purples, and reds. The air gradually began to lose heat over the hours, but still we didn't move.
  As the blanket of night fell upon the world, Katy spoke.
  "Thank you," she said. "For keeping your promise."
"I'm sorry it took so long," I replied.
  She ruminated for a minute.
  "He's shining in the palace now," she finally said. "I can visit him whenever I want. It doesn't feel quite so much like he's gone, and I don't feel quite so alone anymore."
  I nodded. I didn't feel quite so alone anymore either, but I didn't say so out loud.
  "You were pretty awesome up in Sky City," she said after a short pause. "I can't believe they voted in Sahra as the new Law Officer almost unanimously."
  "She's fought for their freedom from the Usurper her whole life," I said. "If anything would get a person brownie points, it's that."
  Katy laughed.
  "You say that like you didn't find a legendary lost city in the clouds," she said.
  I chuckled a little, too, then it was quiet again; a peaceful, satisfied silence. It hung in the air just long enough for me to get a call on my scroll.
  I spoke to the person on the other end for a short moment, then tossed the device over my shoulder into Storm's cockpit.
  "You wanna go to the Seraph festival in Oasis with me?" I asked Katy.
  "The one where they celebrate the Yellow Tribe defeating that demon who plays games?" she asked.
  "You'd know better than me," I admitted. "Several somebodies were murdered there and Bridge wants our help looking into it."
  Katy was taken aback.
  "Murder in PulchraGea?" she asked with raised brows. "That hasn't happened in my lifetime."
  "Then let's go take a look."
We loaded into the cockpit. As the canopy slid over our heads into place, the grass where Storm had been gently floating began to whip fiercely as the anti-grav pads on the underside increased our upward thrust. With the setting sun at our backs, we sped over the Southern plains towards the sands of Boonie's desert, and towards our next adventure.

Tales of PulchraGea, Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now