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 "With how I speak and all? Don't you recognize me?" He asks again.

I sigh heavily, almost softly groaning a little bit. "You know what, I don't freaking know you and I don't know why you're calling me this late to bug me."

"I'm really sorry if I'm a bit of a bother. It's just really fascinating how you don't recognize my voice and--"

"Well hate to break it to you, I have no single idea who you are." I cut him off. "Are you really that famous for me to know who you are? Should I really know who this is just by your voice?"

"Honestly, I was expecting you'd know me right away."

I chuckle softly, "Am I a psychic to you? Is this some psychic shit game we playing at 2am?" I asked sarcastically and cant help but curse.

"Well, I think... not." His voice softens.

We got quiet again and I'm amazed by his voice actually. It's very husky and deep. I don't know who this is but he sounds sexy to be honest. So fucking sexy. And so fucking annoying at 2AM.

"Look." I ended the silence. "I don't know who this is but whoever you are, you need to know that it's two in the morning and I have had a long day earlier."

"Trust me, my day was probably more tiring than yours." I hear him commenting.

I ignore him, "Who's this anyway? Why did you call me at 2AM?" I waited for a response and he didn't say anything so I continued, "Don't you know that people are sleeping and you're actually ruining it?" I sort of raised my voice at him, whoever he is that's making a goodtime call.

"Look babe." Ugh, the nerve of this man calling me babe and giving me pet name as if it would change anything. 

"You have my phone."

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