CH. 2

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"She belongs to me!"

Automatically, there would be deafening screams of women in big arenas that we have played numerous times after we finish a song. There'd be a big crowd and blinding lights from cameras and smart phones recording every bit of our moves. There'd be a lot of women crying because of happiness, women screaming like there's no tomorrow and women a little seem to flirty on the audience which is really getting pretty normal to me now, I guess.

But the audience we just sang to were children and God just these kids hate me because of what I wear, my long hair and my skinny jeans. Some kids said I dressed weird. They just bloody hate me because of my hair and mostly thinks I am a girl because of it. Liam tries his best to talk to much kids and play with them, Louis as usual makes these kids laugh, as for Niall. Well, Niall's being Niall and for Zayn even if he is not doing anything funny or cute, he's just immensely loved by the kids because he has always been the good-looking one without even really trying. I mean do you see that perfect jawline and beautiful face.

If you don't know us, we're One Direction.

"Are you damn serious Harold?" Louis teases me again as we were escorted to our car. "Those kids in there weren't really that fanatic of you."

Liam and Niall joins in with a laughing Louis. "Well technically I am not a clown like you are Louis Tomlinson." I answer as I get inside the van feeling a little bit more disappointed.

Liam laughs a little bit louder, "At least you tried Harry."

"Shut up Liam. Just, shut it." I say instantly as I push my hair off my face.

"Shut up Liam." Louis mimics me and continues to laugh with Niall on the backseat.

Hearing Niall's laugh just makes my headache worst. "That's a really good impersonation Louis."

"It's okay Harold. You don't look like a female and you don't dress weird." Zayn pats my shoulder while smiling at me. I don't know if he was being sarcastic or not but he spoke with soft eyes. How comforting Zayn.

"That's really easy for you to say, Mr. Lovable." I answer him before facing Louis, Niall and Liam who were still laughing at me and poking jokes. "You know what, we didn't have any competition about who's going to have more kids to play with anyways."

"I wish we did. You'd flop, Harold." Louis teases again.

I sit straight on my seat and tried to pull in some headphones as we begin to leave the orphanage. I have had a long day because we had an interview earlier for a magazine and I am still having this headache since this morning. The lads were obviously talking about where to have dinner and I am already sure we are heading to Nando's. Without a doubt about it.

As soon as we reached Nando's, paps were quick to arrive in the area and take photos of us as we rushed inside. I was tired and didn't really want to be pissed by the paparazzi so I kept my head down low while our security guards lead us in. We had dinner together and just tried to enjoy the night while some fans went to our table for a photo. Usually, we'd have dinner in the hotel and order foods as much as we want but since the other lads want to eat outside, then majority wins.

"Oh god I'm so full." Louis exclaimed inside the car, burping towards Liam's.

Liam pushes Louis' shoulder with a disapproving look on his face. Sometimes Louis' just a little bit childish and playful which pisses some of us. "You had to burp at my face Louis! Disgusting."

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