Chapter 8 This means war.

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Yangs pov 

Its been 2 months sinces the whole beacon ordeal and me and the rest of the bat family have been covering for y/n due to the fact that he was shot. After 2 weeks of us covering for him he was finally able to get back into the fray. 2 months later ozpin has put bounty's on our heads for 100000 lien if they were able to capture us. But y/n has kept us outta danger so we have not had a run in with the huntsmen yet. But that may change soon.

Y/n: Hey yang are ya coming were going out.

I turn and look up at him seeing that jason and dick are coming with.

Yang: Yeah i'm in. 

I stand up and put my batgirl suit on before following y/n and the other to the bat plane. We then take off trying to find a crime. But as we are flying a missle hits our jet out of no where.

Y/n: Shit everyone parachutes now! 

We run and grab the parachutes and jump out of the plane we then deploy the chutes and glide safly to a roof top.

Y/ns pov

I land on a rooftop seeing the bat plane crash into down town vale. My eyes widen as i see ozpin standing there next to the rest of team rwby.

Y/n: batgirl looks like your old team was responsible for the crash. 

Yang: Wait really?!

Y/n: Yeah it apperes that they opened fire on us while we were flying.

Dick: What do we do batman?

Y/n: If they want a war then we will give them one. 

I turn and look at the bat familly to see them nod in agreement i then throw a smoke bomb right in front of ozpin and his team. I then jump down and start to walk twords them as the smoke clears there eyes widen.

Ozpin: Well well if it isn't batman himself. 

I stop in front of him.

Y/n: Your going to pay ozpin.

Ozpin: Look around batman its 4 agenst 1 you have no chance.

I crack a smirk as i see yang in her position i give her a nod and she throws a batarang at ozpin knocking his cane out of his hand. She then drops down next to me.

Yang: Make that 2 oz.

Ruby: Y-yang?

Yang: And thats not all.

I smirk as jason fires a sniper shot a ruby knocking her scythe out of her hands. I then see dick throw a batarang cutting ozpin across the cheek. I Smirk as both of the walk to my side ready to join the fight. 

Jason: Did you really think it would be that easy?

Weiss: Umm guys what do we do?

Ruby: Get ready.

We get into our fighting stances and get ready for battle.

Y/n: Last chance move out of the way and no one gets hurt. 

Ozpin takes of running at me i sigh and deliver a hard kick to his gut making him stumble back in shock. I then take this chance to deliver a 3 hit combo to his face making him stumble back and trip. I then turn and run to help yang fight ruby.

Ruby: Yang please dont make me do this.


I see yang deliver a punch to rubys jaw sending her flying into a car. I then flip over yang and deliver a punch to rubys gut.

Y/n: Remember me red?

Ruby: Y-yeah i-i shot you..

I run at ruby as i try to punch her across the face. But she roles out of the way and grabs her scythe she then turns and trys to slash me. I move back just barly dodging her scythe i then deliver punch to her face making her stumble back. She then takes off running me with her speed i smirk as i see yang running at me i smirk as i give her boost up into the air. Yang then lands in front of ruby creating a shock wave this sends ruby back into a wall. I smirk as i flip over yang and deliver 2 punchs to rubys face. Yang the flips over me and kicks ruby in the gut. We keep going like this switching each time.

(a/n: Think of yang and y/n fighting ruby like tony stark vs cap and winter solder in civil war.)

Ruby: Yang please stop i'm your si-

Yang cuts her off by punching her in the jaw making ruby spit up blood.

Yang: Your dead to me!

Yang then punchs ruby knocking her out. She then turns and sees me fighting ozpin. I deliver a hard kick to his gut. I then deliver a punch to his jaw knocking him back. 

Ruby: Ozpin what do we do?

Ozpin: Nothing ruby let him handel it.

Just then a red blur lands in front of me and the bat family my eyes widen as i see an oh so familler symbol on his chest.

Just then a red blur lands in front of me and the bat family my eyes widen as i see an oh so familler symbol on his chest

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(A/n: Oh shit supermans here whats gonna happen idk find out next time.)

Passing on the legacy. (Yang xiao long x male batman reader)Where stories live. Discover now