The droid

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reys p.o.v.

          I walk around to the front of the ship the tight air clogging my throat. This one looks rough, the crash i mean. It's the fifth one I've found today and the first moon hasn't even passed over yet. Allow my to introduce myself, I am RE-7 but my friends call me rey, well if i  had any that is. Any who i am a class three helping droid and i am currently scavenging broken ships on area fifty one, the junkyard planet e-arth. 

If you were wondering, no this isn't part of my job but i do enjoy finding things from before e-arths apocalypse, in fact that's one of the main reasons i come to this planet, i do get ridiculed by my master for the amount of things i bring back to the dwelling but i cant help it myself i am drawn to them they feel like a missing piece to my personality. 

I pull the sack off and dig into it until i feel my fingertips brush the lens of my one step polar-oid, this is my favorite treasure, its the most useful and helps me to contain my memories. I take a step back and capture the shot of the crushed ship. I wait as a picture slides out the bottom, i pull it out and shake it back and forth until it reaches full coverage of the ship in front of me.  I take in the picture , a warm feeling in my stomach gently uplifting me, a smile forms onto my lips,

 i am shaken out of my thoughts as a siren blares through the air. The same message again, it plays every few hours but im still not used to it. its voice is grainy and disheveled, most words coming out in a slur and others coming out as static from the shrieking megaphone.


           The second moon has set by now the lights to my dwelling are setting and the voices from others around us are dulling. I open the door and squeeze through making sure not to make any noise, i step into the house and out of my luck the floor board beneath me lets out a squeak. I sigh and step all the way through the threshold, my master, ben, stands a few feet before me his arms crossed amongst his chest and an angered expression painted onto his face. I give a sheepish smile and ready myself to turn and head to my room. 

" where were you all day RE-7, you said you would be recharging today and when i went to look for you, you weren't there." my master pronounced, i ducked my head 

" i was just out sir." i mumbled

he slammed his hand onto the table causing me to jump, my hearing devices screeched at the sound.

" i said where were you RE-7?!" he screamed at me, smoke practically pouring out of his ears, i stepped forward and titled my head up putting on a nonchalant look and stared into his eyes

" i was scavenging again ben" 

he paced in front of me and grabbed my chin jerking it up " who said you could scavenge today ?" he questioned venomously 

i stared off without answering which earned me a rough shove to the ground. i sat there in shock, he has never acted out like this in  a long time especially towards me.


   I sat on the bed while i recharged, the chords on my wrist blinking blue. i pulled my sack over to me and took out my pictures looking at the memories ive made the pictures i would never share with another soul, the secret pictures of my master, the whithered flowers, and broken ships. The pictures he has taken of me and the pictures we have taken together. But that was a different time, before he was alone, when he was satisified with the things he has but then it was only he and i and he gave up on me. on himself.

i heard the commotion of voices but one voice took over my thoughts entirely, ringing out and made me realize this universe is truly ruined, there is no more good left for me to bask in. 

" i dont know what to do with her, she has been acting out and just... no no it has nothing to do with me ... yes im sure !look just come over as soon as you can i dont want her to figure out what im planning... yes i suppose its what i want " his voice faltered towards the end and i inched further focusing on him, his voice and his ragged breaths 

" yes i suppose we will have to deactivate her." 

pangs of emotion shoot through my stomach and i realized my time has come. i could no longer reason with him and he would no longer listen, i looked back down at my pictures one more time memorizing the curve of his face and the happiness that lingered in his eyes, and i realized i would never see his happiness ever again.



heyyo i know what i said that this book is complete but i did say that it isnt truly complete until i decide to, so here ya go its not very reylo like it doesnt have a lot of romance but i was writing a paper for english and without realizing it, my sci fi paper was a reylo story in disguise lol. 

anywho please enjoy let me know what you think and if you have any requests on any one shot idea you would like to see. 

i hope you enjoy i love and appreciate you all so much thank you for all your support.

~<3 Bethany 

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