Chapter 4

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Kara: Oh, good! You're all here. I've gotta ask, why do you call yourselves  the avengers and who you are avenging? It doesn't make any  sense, does it?
Steve: where were you?
Kara: somewhere. Why? What did I missed?
Nat: not much. Go change, we're going on a mission.
Kara: already? But I just got here. Ugh. What's the mission and who we're going to kill?
Steve: we're gonna take down an Hydra base, the usual.
Kara: can anyone show me my room? My suit is in there.
Clint: again? I showed it to you once.
Kara: you can't blame me, this tower is huge
Clint: the twins will take you there
Wanda: let's go
Kara: you're the twins?
Pietro: yeah, why?
Kara: you don't look twins, at all.
They gave me a small smile
Wanda: this is your room. You know how to find it now?
Kara: yeah. uhm. Thanks for taking me here and bye.
I enter running on my room, almost falling to my feet. I close the door, go to my suit, on my closet
Kara: okay. Let's get this party started.


I get to the room where everyone is and I feel Pietro's eyes over my body.
Steve: you're late.
Kara: and you're boring. Come on Nat, let's kick some asses.


We were on the quinjet and Steve wast giving his leader speech

Kara: yeah, shut up grandpa.
Tony: I like her.
Kara: oh, thanks. I like me too.
Steve: okay. Nat and Clint with me and Kara you go with the twins. Our priority is to take the people out of there. Let's go.

I go to the twins and say
Kara: hey guys! You know I really like you so don't screw it up.
Pietro: what do you mean?
Oh, they have no idea.
I gave them an evil smile.
Kara: let's go.

Without letting them reply, I grab their hands and jump out of the quinjet. We went flying to where the civilians where.


I landed us on the combined place.
Wanda: what was that?
Kara: an trust exercise. Without the trust and exercise part.
Wanda: you're crazy.
Kara: I Know. Hey, do you think that we called too much attention?
Then, we hear an explosion
Pietro: I think we're good.
Kara: that was Hulk?
Wanda: i think it was Stark.
Kara: okay. Let's go.
I open the door to reveal an large corridor with a lot of doors.
Kara: we don't have time to look at all of these doors.
Pietro: I got it.
A blur crossed the room and reappeared on my side.
Pietro: they are not here.
Out of impulse, I punch him in the face.
Kara: sorry, but you can't scare people like that.
Wanda: you get used to it. Let's go, we've gotta keep looking, it won't be long til they find us.
We turn the corner and there were a lot of people with guns pointed at us.
Kara: we don't have time for this.
Without further explanation, I step forward and raise my hand. Seconds later, they all fell to the floor unconscious.
Wanda: what was that?
Kara: I turned their hearts into gold.
I walk between the bodies to the door they were in front of. I open the door and call the twins.
Pietro: what?
Kara: I found them.
There were like twenty people on the floor with blood coming out of their noses.
Wanda: they're...dead.
Kara: what a wast of time. Let's get out of here.


Tony: where are they?
Kara: dead.
Steve: why would Hydra take people just to kill them?
Kara: failed experiments?
Steve: possible.

Third person

The guard was running on the corridors to his boss.
xx: sir, she scaped.
xx: what? Find her. Now.

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