chapter 32

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I was walking down the halls towards Stark's party and internally hoping nothing bad happened today and when I get there, mostly unknown people, some I barely remember.
I look around trying to find someone to talk to and my eyes meet with Pietro's. I look away as I hear someone coming behind me.

Zara: hey.
Kara: hey, I wanted to..
Zara: you're gonna say that you're sorry that you weren't there for me, that you and mom couldn't find me and you were scared when he killed her and you couldn't come back for me because the ship was destroyed when you landed on Earth.

Kara: I forgot how I hate when you always know everything.
Zara: what can I say, you manipulate gold and I manipulate minds.
Kara: you also can manipulate gravity.

We smile at each other until she looks to something behind me and her smile grows wide.

Zara: you know, that Pietro really likes you.
Kara: ..stop...
Zara: ..and you like him too but you're too afraid that he's gonna have the same fate as Jack.
Kara: you know, you should go talk to Wanda. She can teach you to have limits.
Zara: as if you have them. Come on Kara, it might have been a long time since we saw each other but you're still the same, reckless and selfish.
Kara: just like you.
Zara: that's why we haven't killed each other yet.

Tony: I do love some sisterly bonding.

Zara: ugh, humans. I'm leaving. I'm gonna have some fun, will you join me, my darling sister?
Kara: maybe later.

After she leaves, I turn my focus to Stark to find him talking to Pepper and Steve coming towards me.
Kara: what do you want?
Steve: I wanna talk to you about joining the team.


After the party, Pietro and I hang out and I'm trying to live a little and be less mean, cause apparently I'll be arrested If I go out of line, whatever.

My sister can't decide if she like or hate humans. She's a pain in the ass but the most tolerable family member I have so...

After thinking a lot, I decided to join the "team" and I'm getting ready for my first mission right now.

Pietro: you do stay good on that suit.
Kara: I know.

He kisses me on the lips and we head to the quinjet. A few seconds later, I get a call from my sister.

Zara: I'm going on a trip, you're in?
Kara: I'm going on a mission with the avengers, literally right now.
Zara: so? I don't know much about this world and I wanna meet it since we're stuck here.
Kara: I don't know, I was thrilled to kill some people.
Zara: I have chocolate.
Kara: I'm in.
Zara: oh and you better run because they're getting suspicious about you being late.
Kara: don't care. Where are we going first?
Zara: I heard Bahamas is good this time of year.

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