Chp 2 Past Of you in teikoku Gakuen

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Najil : Alright Today Story Main Character Is.....

Minna : Who ? * Nervous * 

Najil : Sakuma Jirou San !

Sakuma : M-Me ?!

Kazemaru&Endou : Aw .... Good Luck in the story Bro 

Najil : Kazemaru and endou san will also apper with other character but just in a small part

Endou : It is at least better than having absoutly no presence in the story  

Kidou : Yeah 

Endou&Kazemaru : K-Kidou When did you apper 

Kidou : A Few minutes ago...

Najil : Alright Minna lets get this short , I do not know inazuma eleven neither its character they all belong to their respective owners 

Sakuma : I hope everyone enjoy this story 

Minna : And dont forget to comment or inbox najil if you have any request , Enjoy ~

The Story Begins.....

While You were Sitting On the branch at the park you felt someone sit beside you , you are suprise that sakuma Jirou a MiddleFielder from teikoku gakuen and your former teammates . " Its been a long time since we last sitting together like this " You just keep quiet dont know what to say since its been a long time and both of you were now in different school and in soccer term you and him are enemy relationship. " Why did you leave teikoku Gakuen ? " When you heard this words you cant help but thinking the past ....


" (f/n) Keep up with the speed or you will be left behind ! " Said Kidou , Yes , You are a teikoku Gakuen Soccer Member and your position is Middlefielder . " Alright , Take A Rest and Resume back to the pratice " and Of course you coach is Kageyama Reiji a man which is full of revenge and hate . While you were drinking water you heard some of the members talikng bad about you behind your back " During Pratice she runs as slow as a turtle i wonder how did she last so long in the soccer club ? " " Maybe it is due to some kind of connection between coach Kageyama And Her " Those words really piecered through You Heart, the next action you made was taking a soccer ball and rushed through the field Thinking " I will Prove that their judgment was all wrong " you didn't care much about your tiredness all you know was to prove that you were strong to those jerks  " Water Tonado ! " The Ball Shoot through the net and the members were shocked of what just happen you leave the ball on the field and went back to hydrated yourself but part of your leg muscle were in great pain . Those boys that were talking bad about you just now were now shocked and keep quiet at the moment you have been called by your coach Kageyama Reiji  , he seems to saw through the pain in your legs and said " (F/N) Go shoot one more time again ! " You followed what he ordered you and shoot " Water Tornado ! " But when the moment you kicked the ball you fell hard on the ground and everyone was shocked again " (F/N) " Sakuma ran to you and walk you back to the bench " Are You okay ? Where is the wound ? " As Sakuma checked your wound , Your coach called you " (F/N) " " Yes , Coach ? " " Your leg is now injured and no longer can play soccer that means you have no value to us anymore so now i announced that (f/n) Had been kicked out from the soccer team " At the moment you felt tears running down you hurried up and pack your things then straight away walk towards the exit but sakuma ran after you " (f/n) ! " You turned around with an irratated look and tears still coming down  " What and why are you chasing after me ? Go Back and Partice " " You Don't have to put all those comment in mind It isn't real and you can explain to the coach " The more he say the more you got angerier " This is none of you buissness ! You haven't been comment like that before and you haven't feel before the feeling of you been kicked out from your favourite sports so how could you possibly know how i feel !" There was a dead silent between you and him , after a few minutes he finally break through the silent " What do you intend to do ? " " I will leave teikoku next week and never touch anything which is reliable to soccer again ! " " Why do you have to go so far ?! " He sounded angry worried and you have no clue that why is he getting like that at you "Just Like i said before this is none of your buissness ! "and left . The next day you went to school and went in the class everyone looked at you . But when you saw what was written on the board you knew why people stared at you , " (f/n) sucked in soccer and being kicked out from the club , (f/n) Is a liar she maybe is having connection with the coach " You wanted to cry at that time . Sakuma appered behind your back " Good Morning (f/n) , How are you feelin....! " He saw the words written on the board then there is an announcemnet " (L/n) (f/n) please come to the headmaster office now " You quickly went to the direction of the headmaster room just then someone hold your hands you looked back and saw sakuma's worried face " What happend ? " You pushed his hands away and run to the headmaster's room and told the headmaster that yu would like to change school and wanted to call your parent after that you went back to your class and sit at your place . Your heard wisper all around you " she deserved it hahaha " " she must think that when she join the soccer club she can attrack a lot of attention but it back fired her hahaha " All those comment were not true minutes after your parent came to pick you up and told the teacher your condition , The teacher turned to you and said " (f/n) Speak to your classmates before changing your school , you might never met them again " you  turned you face to the whole class and said " Goodbye everyone , remember to take care of yourself and sakuma kun please tell the soccer club member to take care and good bye that all " you turned and left , Your new school is Raimon Junior High . 

Flash Back Ends  

" Well maybe i have been affected by those comments " you said and turned to sakuma " i am sorry for not doing anything " You said " Its okay , I don't care much about it now , i am just shocked to see the member of teikoku soccer club so how have you guys been now ? " " Fine and taking champion as usually " " Don't be so confident now sakuma kun " " why and i didn't " " Because i am going to join the raimon soccer club and prove that kageyama reiji's soccer was a mistake and so the same to all those comment " sakuma shocked on the spot but his phone rang and it was from kidou while he was answering the phone , you left quietly without his attention  . The next day you went to school , You met endou and kazemaru at the class " Good Moring (f/n) " " Good Morining Guys and endou i would like to tell you something suprising " " What ? " " I Would like to join the soccer club " Kazemaru and endou looked at each other and said " Welcome ! " " so when will we start praticing ? " " After the school down the inazuma tower " " Okay lets meet up there ~ " You knew this was a new beginning and to show that kageyama reiji and those comment that you were strong as you think the school bell ring and the class begins 

To Be continue ....

Kazemaru&Endou : Wow Great story 

Najil : Hmp.Of Course 

Kidou: My apparence is just only at the phone 

Sakuma : * Pats His shoulder * Its Okay 

Najil : Gomene Kidou san 

Kidou : Nevermine 

Kazemaru: Good News that Reader Has joined our club endou 

Endou : Yeah 

Najil : Well try your best to imagine with the story if you can it will be funner this way reading the story

Minna : Gambateh Readers during imagination ~! Bye 

Inazuma Eleven Sakuma Jirou , Kazemaru X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now