Wattpad Original


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end note

This is it. We've made it!

A little fun fact. I wrote this book two years ago, and I never thought that this would be possible. And now, it was made possible.

RUSSIAN ROULETTE will forever hold a memory in my heart as my first ever completed fanfic, and also as the book that introduced me to you guys. I will never be able to express how thankful I am that I got to experience that book with you. I'm super grateful that I was able to experience writing it as a fanfiction with such amazing, supportive people, and I'm even more grateful to experience publishing it as an original story with you guys once more.

I hope everyone enjoyed LOVE MAZE! It took a long time, but it makes me emotional to see it finally come into fruition. It's the first fanfiction to enter the paid program, so this is huge— for me, and for the lovely BTS Taekook community I had the pleasure of being in! It's both of our achievements!

Thank you, again, to everyone who supported me this far. Thank you to the newer people who chose to support me by buying this book as well! You all have a special place in my hearts, right next to RUSSIAN ROULETTE, and now, LOVE MAZE.

Thank you to my family, my friends, and amazing wattpad staff that helped me make this dream possible. Your never-ending support got me through everything!

So, yeah, that's about it. Thank you. I love you. I can't wait to see where the future takes us next💛

— Mela

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