[4] Camera

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Logan stared at the device on his desk, but he couldn't bring himself to pick it up. He'd promised Patton that he would try and take up photography since he'd seemed to have a natural affinity with it, however, he never really saw how good he was.

Where Patton saw some form of art, all he saw was a field of colour, with no actual purpose. Patton had bought him books on photography so that he might perfect it, but Logan couldn't bring himself to read them. How could he be good at something that was more an art than a science?

Patton had set a deadline, one week. One week until he would come and check the books, to see if there were any notes, to check the sim card to see if there were any pictures. Logan felt more than guilty about the fatherly trait going out of his way to try and help Logan embrace something he was good at, but in the end, it wasn't going to work. Even if he wanted to take the pictures, what would he take pictures of? The Mind was only so big.

Now, Logan wasn't one to give up on things, he wanted to get everything he was assigned, done, so knowing the deadline for his taking pictures was getting ever closer meant he was freaking out just a bit. Normally, in those situations, he'd go to Patton, or whoever had set the assignment, and tell them he needed an extension on the deadline, but he knew Patton wouldn't extend it at all, because, for some reason, Patton seemed to believe that Logan was capable of more than he thought.

He sighed and cradled his head in his hands, and contemplated going to Patton, but he knew that as soon as he did, he would regret it since Patton would always give him something else to do, or some form of inspiration.

He picked up his camera and went to the bubbly facets room, where he found Patton sat at his desk, drawing. He knocked on the door, watching as he jumped slightly, before turning to face Logan, instantly beaming when he saw him.

"What can I do for you, Lo?" His smile never faltered, even when he noticed the slight frown on Logan's face and as Logan struggles to find the words he needed.

"I seem to be having an issue with the 'assignment' you gave to me." He finally spoke up, holding his camera a little too tightly to be good for him and the camera. "You seem to think I can do this amazing job, that photography comes naturally to me and it is all so good, but when it comes to being told I have a deadline for it, well, I cannot."

"Logan, I wasn't trying to pressure you into doing something you can't do, I just wanted to help you with doing more with your time than sitting at your desk, or stressing over the next video script, or anything to do with Thomas. I just wanted you to do something more. I'm sorry if you felt pressured, or that I made you struggle. You don't have to do it, not if you don't want to."

Logan frowned, taking in everything Patton was saying. "But I thought... You wanted me to create this elaborate something that Roman would come up with..."

"No." Patton smiled fondly, walking over to Logan and resting a hand on his shoulder. "I love you, and wouldn't ever make you do something you can't do naturally. I just thought that it would be easy for you, but don't worry about it, okay?"

"Are you...?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Now, Roman and Virgil are having a date night, so it's just the two of us, what would you like to do?"

"Can we make a meal and watch something." He paused, thinking for a moment, "and cuddles?"

"Always cuddles." Patton grinned, taking the camera from Logan's hand and placing it on top of the bookcase by the doorway, before taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen where their own date night would commence.

And if Logan had a sudden burst of inspiration the next day, who's to say otherwise?

708 words

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Take care

Logicality OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora