[19] Idiots in Love

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T.W. Cavity inducing fluff, again. Because how can I not?

Logan woke up, his memories of the night before slightly fuzzy, much like his right arm. He looked over to see Patton curled up against his side, lying on Logan's arm and cutting off the circulation. There was one question answered. Though he couldn't seem to remember why he'd ended up with Patton in his bed.

Sure, they'd been getting closer, as of late, but that didn't mean they were at the sharing bed stage, right?

Logan shook his head and focused on Patton. The way his lips were parted slightly and he let out little puffs of air, the way his hair was tousled and messy, but fell just right across his forehead, and the way his eyes fluttered slightly or his lips curled up slightly as he dreamt.

Logan let his gaze linger on Patton for a few moments longer before he realised. Oh, oh no. He was in love. He'd fallen in love without noticing and he happened to have fallen in love with Patton. The sweet and adorable and amazingly cute Patton, who would never return his feelings. Never in a million years. Why? Because Logan couldn't ever give him what he needed. He was cold and emotionless and stoic. He would hurt Patton without meaning to, and then they'd both be hurt.

Logan let his shoulders sag slightly and he looked away, unable to look at the man he'd fallen for. He tried to shake the feeling, the knowledge that he loved Patton, but he couldn't. He wanted to focus on the how of the situation. How had they ended up in bed together? How did he fall for Patton? How could he have let it happen?

He was such a fool, and he was going to regret it. He would regret not saying anything to Patton, but if Patton took it badly? Well, he didn't think there would be anything he would regret more, than pushing him away unintentionally.

Patton shifted and as Logan spared him a glance, he noticed Patton looking up at him with a sleepy, lopsided smile. Logan could've sworn that his heart skipped a beat, as cliche as it sounded, the bubbly persona did that to him.

"Mornin' Lo."

"Good morning, Patton. I assume you slept well?"

"I did. Thank you. And, thank you for letting me crash in here again, after the movie, I knew I'd never be able to stay in my room."

The movie. They'd agreed to watch a horror movie to change things up at their movie night. Roman wasn't best pleased, but it kept Virgil happy, and Logan just didn't care, he'd watch anything as long as he could point out the logical inconsistencies. Patton, however, wasn't a horror movie fan, and had gotten scared out of his skin, figuratively.

"It's not a problem, though I do have one request?"


"May you get off my arm please?"


Patton laughed lightly and Logan felt his chest tighten. He looked away as Patton sat up, watching the blanket as though it was more interesting.

"You're flushed," Patton commented, tilting his head and poking Logan's cheek.

"It is hot in here. Shall we go downstairs and make breakfast?"

"Oh. Sure." Patton tried to maintain his peppiness, but his voice faltered and it was clear that Logan's words had affected him. "Let's go and make food."

So they did. They walked downstairs in an awkward silence, neither really sure what to say to ease the unusual awkwardness  that had surrounded them.

Patton set about making eggs and pancakes, with some bacon for Virgil and Roman. While Logan made the pot of coffee, and boiled the kettle for Patton's hot chocolate.

"I have to tell you something," Logan found himself saying, as he filled up the coffee pot with water.

"Is Everything okay, kiddo?"

Kiddo. That nickname. Logan felt his heart drop, as illogical as it was, since his heart remained in its anatomically correct place. He hated the nickname, and since he and Patton had gotten closer, it'd been dropped, and Patton hadn't once used it.

"No. I do not think it is."

Logan turned off the water and poured what was in the pot into the back of the coffee machine, before setting it in the holder, and turning it on. He then moved to face Patton and pulled him away from the breakfast.

"I hold feelings for you. Now, I know this seems rash, and that we really haven't had that much time to talk it all through, and we don't always talk about emotions in general. But, I have come to terms with the fact that I hold more than platonic feelings for you."

Patton scanned Logan's face, frowning. He was lying. There was no way that Logan loved him. He must have found out about his feelings and was pulling a prank.

"I can assure you, I would not dream of pranking you, or even hurting you intentionally. I love you, Patton."

Logan let go of Patton's hands, looking down, unable to figure out if Patton's silence was good or bad.

"I love you too," Patton finally whispered.

Logan's eyes widened and he smiled. A genuine, jaw-aching smile. He wasn't sure what that meant for them now, but he was sure that it was going to lead to great things.

"May I kiss you?" Patton's voice pulled him from his thoughts, and Logan could only dumbly nod.

Patton rested his hands on Logan's shoulders and leaned up to kiss him softly.  Logan's hands found Patton's waist, and for a split second, he couldn't comprehend that he was kissing Patton. That Patton really liked him and was kissing him back.

Eventually, he melted into it, and their lips worked in sync, trying to convey every single emotion they felt.

They soon parted and rested their foreheads together, smiling like idiots. And they were, in some respect. They were idiots in love, and somehow, that was perfectly okay for them. They wanted nothing more.


Virgil walked downstairs, his hair sticking up from hours of tossing and turning and his inability to sleep. He passed the couple in the kitchen with ease and poured himself a cup of coffee.

As he drank it, he noticed Logan's and Patton's embrace. Upon his realisation, he almost spat out his drink.

"You guys finally confessed! Thank goodness. I thought Roman was going to have to hit you both with a stick and shout at you, to tell you that you're both morons and need to open your eyes."

Patton laughed lightly and rolled his eyes, glancing at Virgil. "I'm sure we can use that tactic if you and Roman don't end up together soon."

Virgil flushed a deep red and hid in his coffee. "The food is burning."

Patton gasped and let go of Logan, moving to turn off the heat, before laughing sheepishly. "Cereal or oatmeal?"

"Morons..." Virgil muttered, a slight hint of happiness in his voice, as he sat at the table.

Maybe they were morons, but at least they were happy, and things were slowly looking up.

1182 words

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