[13] Take A Break

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Logan sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He had been working hard on Thomas' schedule, food intake, and everything else he needed to live a healthy lifestyle, which meant he wasn't getting enough sleep, and he was neglecting his boyfriend, which said boyfriend did not enjoy.

He jumped as his bedroom door opened, and he turned to face the source of the noise. He smiled weakly as he saw his boyfriend in the doorway.

"Logan, you've been busy for days now, come and spend time with me, I miss you. I made your favourite meal and set up some movies to watch, so we can cuddle."

Logan sighed and shook his head. He didn't have time for breaks or to cuddle. He had to get all the work done.

"I don't have time, Patton. Thomas has to have all of this done by the end of today. I don't have time to waste."

Patton let his shoulders drop and he sighed, slowly walking over to Logan. "You've been in here for six days now, and you've hardly eaten and I just want you to come and eat and cuddle..."

"I do not have the time!" Logan turned to face Patton and tried not to cave when he saw how sad Patton looked.

"Logan, please!"


"Logan! You're not taking care of yourself and that worries me! I love you too much to let you keep doing this."

"I'm taking care of myself perfectly fine, thank you."

Patton sighed and walked over, saving Logan's work and closing his computer. "Downstairs, now."

Logan sighed and stood up, leaving Patton in his room, not wanting to say something stupid and hurt Patton.

Logan picked up the leftovers and put them in the microwave, sighing to himself, silently hating himself for hurting Patton.


"I'm sorry, Patton. I know you're trying to help."

"It's okay. I just don't like when you overwork yourself. Will you cuddle with me... After you eat?"

Logan nodded and took his food out, ready to start eating. "I love you, Pat."

Patton smiled and pressed a kiss to Logan's cheek, following him to the dining table.

Logan ate in silence and smiled as Patton told him some long story.

Once he was finished eating, he washed his dishes, and moved to the sofa. There, he and Patton cuddled and watched a documentary on space, Logan falling asleep a few minutes in, unable to stay awake any longer.

Patton smiled and turned the tv off, cuddling against Logan further and letting himself fall asleep.

And maybe they ended up slightly sore when they woke up, but it was all worth it because they got cuddles.

448 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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