[18] Love

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T.W. Tooth rotting fluff???

Patton tugged on Logan's tie softly, pulling him down so he was level with Patton. His eyes widened softly and before he knew it, Patton's lips were on his.

Patton's soft, smooth lips were kissing his overly chapped, bitten lips, and he had no idea why. Well, he did know, of course he knew. Patton loves him. But, Logan didn't know if he loved Patton too.

He wanted to protect Patton, and keep him safe. He wanted to fight anyone or anything that made Patton sad. He wanted to be the person Patton went to when he felt down, or needed someone level headed to keep his emotions slightly more in check. And most importantly, he wanted to be the person Patton cuddled, and wanted to be around more than anything else.

Logan realised Patton's lips were still on his own, and his eyes were wide open from the shock of it all, yet he couldn't let himself relax. He couldn't risk losing what he had in front of him. If he relaxed, it could all just be a dream, and he didn't want to lose the feeling. But if he didn't kiss Patton back soon enough, Patton would get the wrong idea.

Patton slowly let go of Logan's tie and stepped back, looking at him with sad eyes. "You could have said something sooner, I wouldn't have forced you into something you didn't want," Patton's voice came out soft and sad, shaking Logan from his trance.

Logan looked at him with even more shock. Was Patton really as naive as to think that Logan didn't love him? Well, sure, Logan didn't know if he loved Patton, but he wouldn't mind that happening again.

So, Logan took it upon himself and kissed Patton, putting his own fear of losing Patton on the line. He relaxed into it, Patton wrapping his arms around Logan's neck, holding him closer.

Sure, the kiss was short, but at least this time it held emotion on both ends.

"I think... I think I love you too, Patton."

Patton grinned, his eyes lit up, and Logan could've sworn he could rival a star. And yeah, Logan was definitely in love with Patton, and he wasn't going to stop until Patton definitely knew.

376 words

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