[8] Daylight Au

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No, I'm not back to writing longer things again, I just made something I somewhat liked (that turned put to be 1000 words) and felt the need to share it, so... Enjoy.

Logan smiled sadly and looked down at his lover. Patton had fallen asleep a few hours ago, and despite how tired Logan was, he couldn't bring himself to fall asleep. It wasn't because he wanted to ruin his sleep schedule, but more so that he didn't want to miss out on a moment with Patton.

He'd taken a few weeks off work just so he could travel to his boyfriend, and what a great few weeks they'd had. But by the end, it seemed to have gone too fast, and he didn't know what to do.

He didn't want to leave Patton, he knew they were both going to suffer from him leaving, but there wasn't any other way. He had to go back to work, and he had to earn money so he could keep his house. If he lost everything, he'd end up probably losing Patton too, and he couldn't stand the idea of that happening.

Sure, he was a stoic, logical man, who despised anything related to feelings, but with Patton, all he felt was happiness. He didn't hate his feelings, he didn't hate being with someone who always felt things and tried to bring happiness to other people.

What he did hate, though, was that the one person he'd grown to love was the one person who lives goodness knows how many miles away and he didn't know how they were supposed to make it work.

Sure, the past year or so had gone pretty smoothly, but it'd taken that long before they were able to see one another. He didn't know if he could manage another year before he saw his boyfriend again.

He glanced at the clock, frowning at the time, it seemed to move faster. Last he checked it was only one in the morning. Since when had two hours passed? His flight left at two in the afternoon, but he didn't want to walk away from Patton.

His suitcase lay half packed on the floor, the rest of his clothes were in the drier, having been put through the was the day before.

His heart lurched as he thought about the long flight back home, sure, it was only the other side of the country, but it sucked. He hated not being able to come home to see his boyfriend every day. He hated working until the firm closed because he ended up not seeing his boyfriend at all. Lunch was only half an hour, and it always seemed to clash with when his boyfriend was at work. He was up at six, out of the house by eight. While Patton was awake at four (Logan's time) and out by six. None of their schedules aligned, and it made it difficult to talk.

On the off chance, they did get to speak, Logan was half asleep and delirious, while Patton was bouncing off the walls, which meant they seemed to aggravate one another more than they should be.

He jumped slightly as Patton shifted in his sleep, turning over so his face was buried in Logan's chest. He reached a hand up and ran his fingers through Patton's hair, smiling as he seemed to relax further into his hold.

This was what Logan wanted, this was how he wanted to spend his mornings before they both left for work, and the nights before they went to sleep. He wanted to wake up to see his boyfriend's face and have it be the last thing he saw before he fell asleep. He wanted to walk around the neighbourhood holding hands with him, and not be worried about if he's showing his boyfriend enough affection. He wanted to pepper his face with kisses whenever he felt bad about himself. All because he loved him so much it physically hurt to be apart.

One day, maybe, he'd have that, but for now, he was stuck in bed at 3:45 am, his boyfriend curled up into his chest, and a goofy smile plastered onto his face. It wasn't the most ideal thing in the world, but he was more than happy, and he'd love to stay in that moment forever.

But he knew as the time crept closer and closer to 5 am, they'd both have to get up, and he'd have to finish packing and finally say "see you later" to his boyfriend. He'd have to watch as the tears streamed down his face, and his lip caught between his teeth because he didn't want to be too loud, and as he did so, Logan would be fighting his own tears, trying to stay brave in front of him. He'd have to turn his back on Patton, and not look back. It wasn't going to be easy.

He sighed and looked down at Patton, smiling at how cute and relaxed he looked, why couldn't he always have this? Sure, he could take a picture, but then it'd all make it worse when he looked back on it and remembered their last night together.

The sun began to filter into the room, four am and it was already starting to get light out. It wasn't ideal, but maybe he could get Patton up that bit earlier and they could spend that extra hour together.

He smiled and looked to his sleeping boyfriend, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to his lips, smiling happily as he slowly woke up and kissed him back. As they parted, his boyfriend's eyes fluttered open, damn was he in love.

He wasn't sure how he ended up with someone who loved him more than anything, but he was truly grateful, and maybe one day, he'd wake up and have the love of his life next to him for good. Maybe, one day, when the light came, he wouldn't have to worry about them parting ways, but for now, he was content to have his boyfriend in his arms.

Maybe, one day, it would all work itself out. One day...

1000 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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