XVII. Starting Again

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"So how do you think they're doing?" Stevie asked her husband, who she was tangled in the bedsheets with.

"I think they're great," Lindsey kind of chuckled. "You know, it's only been a week and they're coming back tomorrow?

"Look Lindsey, it's not every day that my baby is in another country without me. Normally she is home---here in California and I travel the world. She, on the other hand is in another country and I am in California."

"Yeah, but she's safe and she is with her husband," he responded.

"Yeah, but--"

"No buts, she calls you every day even though she is on her honeymoon."

Stevie sat up and pulled the sheet higher over her chest.

Lindsey looked up at her, thinking he was in trouble already.

"Lindsey, I think you should be more worried. You've only known her for about a year and I am so glad you're close now, but you are a very leniant father."

"Well, she's gotten along twenty years, just fine..."

Stevie sighed. "I guess you're right," she laid back down with a light pout.

"Besides, we never called your parents every day on our honeymoon, well the first one."

"Yeah..." she lingered.

"Besides, she'll be back tomorrow and you can be with her. But I do recommend, you not crowd her. She is a few months pregnant and she seems like the type who likes to be alone."

"Yeah... that's how I was. Weird that you would think that, since you never seen me pregnant," she looked up at him.

"Instincts. I just see a lot of you in her and it seems like you. You would be pretty moody on your period, so I feel like a child sitting on your blatter would make you hostile."

"I can still get pretty hostile, so don't hold your breath, buddy," she rose a brow and slipped out of bed.

He chuckled. "Are you leaving me now?" he asked as he watched her throw a silk robe on.

"Neh, but Karen comes by surprise---you know that," she pulled her hair out of the back of her robe.

"True," he flicked the sheet off of himself and at least threw some boxers on.

Stevie was beaming as she flowed about the room. She was just picking up their clothes from off the floor and rearranging things on her vanity.

"What's the pretty smile for?" Lindsey grinned as he had taken notice of her radient and glowy smile. It was a smile he'd always been in love with.

"Nothing other than the fact that everything has been pieced so beautifully over the last year and that we're going to have a grandbaby," she sat in her vanity chair as she pulled a comb to run through her blonde tresses.

"Oh yeah, I'm so excited," he also beamed. He really was because, that was his second chance. He missed so much that he was excited to experience a baby in the house. He also knew that his daughter was taking the next year off to raise her baby with Elijah and they were going to continue living under the Buckingham-Nicks manner.

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