chapter 6 "home"

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Mackenzie's pov:

I woke up in haydens car... huh what?? wasn't i just with johnny? I rubbed my eyes and shook my head. "well looks like mookenzie is awake" hayden laughed.. "what time is it?" i asked while looking around in confusion. 

"it's 12 pm" johnny stretched .. "are we going back home? I yawned. "yeah we are" hayden giggled. "but.. where are my clothes?" I asked worriedly. "calm down, bro we got everything" hayden chuckled. I calmed down and peacefully laid back on the seat.. Annie and lauren were sleeping as well.. It was kinda boring but johnny made it fun.. He made stupid jokes but i laughed anyways... 

Johnny's the guy who'd make u laugh everyday.. even when he  does nothing funny.. One movement,one word.. makes me laugh.. Yes I know I said I liked johnny but i still don't know if that's true....

Anyways.. Hayden reached my house.. I quickly got out and took my stuff from the car and went to my doorstep..  I looked back at the car as I reached for my keys but.. i was confused.. why weren't john and lauren following me? weren't  their mom at my house?

surprisingly john understood me.. He pointed at hayden to open the cars window. "oh yeah I forgot to tell u that, mom was back home and she said we had to go straight back home.." he smiled..

 I smiled back and nodded.

And there.. He was gone.. I got inside shouting "MOMMMMMM?" no reply. I shouted again. "hello?!",no reply. Welp I guess I'm home alone! 

I sprinted upstairs to my bedroom and  belly flopped  on my bed. I pulled out my phone from my pocket to face time joey, he immediately declined.. Huh? is his phone dead..? 

I probably shouldn't think too much about it.. his phones probably off or it's dead... Well I would hope so anyway..

I went down stairs to grab some snacks because.. i was hungry af since i didn't eat anything in the morning.

There was a note on the kitchen counter by my mom.. It said 

 Dear Mackenzie, I'm not gonna be home till tomorrow, so please take care of the house, i have some important businesses to take care.

ok but no offence why does the note sound so cliché  ? anyway I grabbed my snacks and went back upstairs, to turn on my Tv on and watch some Netflix.

"fuck" I gritted between my teeth, the remote was downstairs.... Before i jumped off my comfy bed "ding" i got a text.. IM FAMOUS YAYAYAY!

it was from lauren :D I clicked on the message and it said

Lowen :D: heyyyy kenz, i was wondering if you could come over since your mom left and yeah :)

WeLl OK but how'd she know?

Me: yeah um, sure  c: 

Lowen: okkk great!! <3

read message at  6:10pm

I took my snacks and some clothes and my school bag  and busted out the door yEeHaw! (ew cringe) 

their house was about 5 minuets away by walking, and i hate walking by myself.

 After 5 minuets of walking which felt like 2 hours, i finally got there...  Their house was actually   quite big.

Lauren opened it right when she saw me, and i didn't even have a chance to knock- 

I smiled weekly, and slowly stepped into the house. "why are u so quiet" lauren laughed. I shrugged and smiled. "theres no one here mom went outside from some things and john went out with his old friends including hayden" lauren giggled while leading me to her bedroom. I sighed and jumped on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"well? say something!" lauren exclaimed while sitting on the bed. "I dont know what to say" I groaned.

"oh, well anyways do you wanna watch a mo-" "YES AFTER I FINISH MY HOME WORK. I HAVE LOTS OF HOME WORK" I said in excitement. 

"oh okay, sure! what do u have?" lauren smiled weekly

I took my homework out of my bag and smacked it right on the bed.

"I have English only"  I groaned. 

'oh.. I thought u said u had lots of homework tho?" Lauren looked confused.

I mean i have to write a full page..

"well um yeah i do but- you know what? i can do it later" I closed my book and smiled.

I dived into laurens cozy blanket, dang.. Im so sleepy her bed is so comfortable, as soon i was about to close my eyes, someone was outside.. 

the doorbell rang, I looked at lauren in confusion "did u invite someone?" she shaked her head no, "its probably john" she laughed. 

my eyes widened.. "o-oh.." I muttered.. "whats wrong?" lauren raised an eyebrow.. "nothing" i fake smiled. 

Lauren went over to the door while i just hid under her blankets.. I did not want to see johnny.

I saw him like 4 or 3 hours ago.. He's probably annoyed by seeing everyday.. Well its been 2 days.. BUT STILL /:

I heard johnny's footsteps approaching lauren's room.. I started to panic.. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE HIM. 

the door slowly opened, i peeked from the holes on the blanket, it was lauren.. okay those footsteps sounded exactly like johns what the heck? 

I took the blanket off my face.. "who was it?" "oh it was johnny, he forgot his wallet" lauren giggled.

"oH". "are u scared of my brother?" lauren asked raising an eyebrow in confusion 

"i just think he's annoyed by seeing me everyday by now" i nervously laughed.

"is this a joke? johnny couldn't stop talking about u while we were on the plane" lauren laughed.

 I froze.. huh? he talked about me? why the hell would he talk about me?

I looked at lauren, "oh but why?" I asked in confusion.

"well because he...."


cLiFf HaNgER oops skksksks






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