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Jackson and I had rushed to the explosion to help the survivors, but the results were not promising. Jackson doesn't even speak until we get back to our place. "Damn it," Jackson sighs, "96 people dead, 100 wounded. How could I let this happen?"

I shake my head, "Jackson, this was not your fault."

"we need to find that woman."

I sigh, "we've alerted the other safe zones."

Jackson shakes his head, "yeah, well, what if it's not about the safe zones? She bombed us the same day that we found the new hybrid. That can't be a coincidence."

I give Jackson a confused look, "what are you saying, she targeted the hybrid?"

"I don't know exactly, but there was this look in her eye. We have to find her."

"I'll grab some extra ammo. For all we know, she's over the mountains by now," I nod and sigh.

Jackson nods, "good idea, who knows who or what we'll run into?"

I sigh softly, "so much for a peaceful night in."

Jackson walks up to be and hugs me from behind, sitting his head on my shoulder, "I know, it's been a while since we've had a real night off."

I turn to him and place my forehead against his, "it's okay. This is more important." Jackson nods, taking a deep breath before moving away from me and taking his bulky coat off. I do the same. Taking a deep breath, before I start getting ready for us to head out. Jackson heads over to the small computer we have set up in the room. Ever since we had to change our names he has kept a close eye on any updates related to the name Jackson Oz. I walks over to him and look over his shoulder, "do you think people will blame you... well the old you, for this?"

"no, no, no. I'm, um,"

I place my hand on Jackson's cheek, "carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders again? You act like all of this is your fault. The spread of the the razorbacks. The TX sterility. But it wasn't. Your crazy father was the bastard who started this all, but you can't solve all the world's problem. The Shepard hunters still think they are looking for the old Jackson Oz, Jamie change our identities down to the last detail, even the photos that comes up when they google either of us." I take a deep breath as I pull up a photo of 'Jackson Oz' on the computer, before turning back to Jackson and place my arms one Jackson's shoulders, "you, Dylan Green, are a wonderful, caring, passionate man. You have saved hundreds, if not thousands, of lives out here. And that's enough... Do you believe me?"

Jackson looks around before he nods, "yeah."

I shake my head, "you are a terrible liar, Mr. Green."

He smiles down to me, "after more then 9 years of marriage, you'd know that, wouldn't you, Mrs. Liz"

I giggle softly and nod, before sigh softly, "let's go find our hybrid lady."

Jackson I get our puffy coats and gear back on before we head out in search of the bomber. We don't walk more than five miles away from the safe zone before we come across a truck, "that's her truck." Jackson step in front of me as we walk toward the truck, sighing when we find it's empty, "she's gone."

I sigh, "well, see if she left anything behind that might tell us where she went." Jackson and I look through the truck, but don't find anything, "Nothing..." I sigh. But Jackson decides to look under the truck to see if she had dropped anything and finds what looks like a large contact case, with an odd S on it with to dots on either side of it, "what is that?"

"I have no idea," Jackson and I look over the box for a minute of two before heading back to the safe zone. Jackson isn't happy that we came back to the safe zone, but we couldn't track her since there was a brief rainstorm before we left.

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