Chapter 3 (Being Rewritten)

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Twilight stepped into the severely underpopulated classroom. Time Turner waved her over, and took the seat next to him, as the bell rang.

"You'll love Mr. Pendulum. He really knows his physics. I hope you're able to keep up, being so late in the semester. But then again, I guess if you're taking 'Advanced Physics' you should have a recently idea on the basic concepts. We have a test tomorrow, but I'm sure Mr. P won't make you take it. Unless he thinks you're prepared, but—" the boy was cut off from his babbling by the teacher.

"Turner! I'm sure our new student doesn't want to be talked to death. She's already taking this class after all." Twilight chuckled.
"Alright. Now, please turn to page 473 in your textbooks, we've got a lot of work today in preparation for our lab on Friday."

"Good Morning, everyone. Today we have a new student, his name is Spike Sparkle. He's from Canterlot." Ms. Quill said, far too cheerfully this early in the morning in everyone's opinion. Spike waved awkwardly, and sat in the first available seat.

"Hey. You're cute." The girl next to him whispered. She wore a deep orange flannel over a light orange, almost off-white tank top, and had a purple pixie cut. "Are you single?"

"Yeah. But not looking for anything right now." He said, looking at the girl.

"I didn't mean for me, idiot. I'm a lesbian." She said, and gestured to her face, in a no, duh! movement. "But my friend needs a date this weekend to the movies. So, are you single."

Spike shrugged. "Why not?" He said. He had nothing better to do. He handed the girl his phone, and she put both her, and his mystery date's number in. She then texted him all the details, and lost all attention in him.

Boy, were people at this school odd. Spike thought, and chuckled.

"Ditzy!" The Doctor said, as he and Twilight left the class. Twilight was surprised. Mr. P was a really good teacher. He taught like he cared, and was fascinated by his material. And the class was so small (Ten Whole People!) that there was plenty of time for one-on-one practice with the teacher.

The blonde gave him a quick peck on the lips, and then turned to dash to her next class. But the Doctor quickly grabbed her wrist. She turned.

"Twilight has French 3 with you!" He said, looking pleased with himself with having put two and two together.

"Really? Fantastic! Well, come on then, friend, Mrs. Lis' classroom is halfway across campus." She said with a smile, before taking Twilight's hand and running, almost dragged the mathlete behind her.

The two barely made it to class on time, entering just as the bell rang. The coiffed, posh, pretty lady that was apparently their teacher gestured them to their seats.

"I should 'ope, Miss Doo, zat you should learn to be much more punctual ven showing around a new student? Miss Sparkle, " Mrs. Lis said, and turned to Twilight, her thick french accent barely understandable. "Please come up front and tell us all about yourself, in French, s'il vous plaît."

Twilight stepped to the front of the classroom.

"Je m'appellle Twilight, et je suis dix-huit.

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