Chapter 29

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{Thanks! Still accepting OC's to draw! sorry I took so long, its long overdue. Vote, comment, ect. I love recommendations by you guys! Spam comments for all i care, just let me know! Its tough to write southern slang, but just imagine kay? }

[Brae & Bobbin]

"Who was that friend of yours?" Brae asked eyeing Bobby

"Just a cousin of a friend." She said, quite truthfully.

"Seems sexy" He added

"What are you saying? Im lesbian?" She said angrily

Oh good, she didn't take it like I like Iris Brae thought.

"No, Sorry, just asking" brae said. Bobbin kissed his neck, and went to science, as it was her next class.

Bring-BRRRRRing Braeburn's phone went off

"Is she gone?" asked Iris

"Yeah, Sweetie, Do you think we can hold out much longer?" Braeburn asked.

"Yeah, as long as she thinks I love her" She said.

"I love you" Brae said in his honey sweet louisianan accent.

"You too" Iris said. as she hung up

I have fooled everyone Iris thought as she slowly smirked and vanished, hidden from the prowling eyes of the world.

{Holy Shit! DAFUQ IRIS! Dafuq, just wtf is happening? }


"Oh wow" Spike commented on Sweetie's tight dress

"What is it?" She asked

"It shows everything" He responded with out thinking.

"Yeah, I know." She said sadly

"Lemme look" spike said as he dashed to her closet. he looked at each dress and then decided

"This one" He said, handing her a checkered gingham dress, with a small pink purse.

"Ill look like the pink Dorothy" she said

"I love the OZ book series" He joked.

"Lemme try it on then" She said

"HOLY SHIZ" He yelled," Thats turning me on...."

"I can tell" Belle laughed as she pointed at his lower region.

He quickly pulled down his shirt, and blushed. The dress fit tightly against her frail body. it made her curves more so, and enlarged her arse and breasts. She added light make-up, and handed spike a tux. it made him look irrisistable.

"Got the tickets?" Spike asked Sweetie belle

"Yep!" She said.

They arrived at the concert on time, and got their seats.

"Welcome to the 50th annual Classic Rock Concert!" The announcer said happily. " I am happy to introduce The Ventures, The Mamas and Papas and Paul Mckartney {Sorry Mr Paul for typoing your last name}

"For our first act: California Dreamin' By The mamas and Papas"

It was obvious it wasn't the actual M&P band, but it was still exciting

{Bold=Two male singers Italic=Two female singers Both= both}

All the leaves are brown, All the leaves are brown

and the sky is grey, and the sky is greey

I'v Been for a walk, I've been for a walk

On a winters day, On a winters day

I'd be safe and warm, I'd be safe and warrm

If I was in LA, If I were in LA

Californa California Dreamin' On such a winters day

Stopped into a church

I passed along the way

Well, I got down on my Knees Got down on my knees

An' I pretend to pray and I pretend to praay

Preacher Likes the cold Preacher likes the coold

He knows Im gonna stay Knows im going to stay

California California Dreamin' Califorina Dreamin' on such winters' day

♪♪♪♪ Flute plays here ♪♪♪♪

All the leaves are brown all the leaves are brown

And the sky is grey and the sky, its grey

I've been for a walk Been for a walk

On a winters' day on a winters' day

If I didn't tell her If I didn' Tell her

I could leave today Could leave today

California Dreamin California Dreaming on such a winters Daaaaaay

{Sorry for cutting it short! Later I'll post the actual song in media, so you can hear it!


The Secret Life of Ponyville High. [Being Rewritten]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora