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' only in their mind

" talking present

At the Restaurant

They were talking while eating their lunch freely. Yes, Jiyong booked the VIP room of that restaurant. The Korean food he choose coz he already knew his member likes Korean foods more than Western food, especialy his bestfriend Youngbae. His friend is good in cooking especialy Korean Food. Sometimes he made in for the member when visiting him. Wherever we go a world tour, he always ask the staff, is there any Korean Food near here,,?. Yeah, his friend obsessed by Korean Food already.

"Hyung, what about your new movie project, TAZA 2 ? I heard, there will be a scene that you will show your body without shirt. Hmm,, I wanna see that Hyung. I wanna see what is behind your thick shirt. That will be Sexy, I think".

"Yaahh.... Baby,,,!! Why you feel so interested to see Top Hyung's body?. I don't give my permission to watch that movie." Jiyong said with smoke come out from both his ears

"Hey Jiyong, why my maknae can't see my movie. I already planned to give him premiere ticket. Jinja,, Your possesivenes sometimes just to much to handle. You have to let him breath bro,, " Top Hyung said

as Jiyong open his mouth to answer the Hyung, the Peacemaker, The MamaBae talk first.

" Hey Guys, just stop it okay. Top Hyung, dont tease this angry dragon to much, you already knew he cant bear with if someone poke his Panda"

"And you Ji, keep the respect toward Top Hyung, neh. He still our eldest brother here, in Bigbang" Youngbae add

Jiyong just rolling his eyes and hope that his MamaBae mood on stop mocking him.

"I love you Bae,,,!!! Listen that Ji, you have to respect me as your hyung" Top Hyung said with evil smirk

"Aishh,,, this hyung ,,!! " Youngbae sighs

"Ups,, WHERE IS MY BABY PANDA , BAE,,,!!!" Jiyong scream as he see the empty seat beside him, confused.

"Yaaahhh,,, Dont Screaming like that, Ji." " You almost make my ears deaf,," Youngbae answer


"Yahhh,, !!! Stop freaking out Ji,,!! He just going to the toilet and dont worry to much Dae with him. "

'Aish this dragon is really bipolar, how can he not realized that the Panda is gone" Youngbae thought

Another minutes, Seungri and Daesung came back from the toilet and sit back at their chair again. Seungri of course sit beside his husband. While Dae Sit between Seungri and Top Hyung.

"Hey baby, why you dont told me if you wanna go to the restroom, so I can accompany you, my love,,!!"

"JIYONG,,,!!" Youngbae scream, feels annoying with this bipolar Dragon behave

"SHUT UP Bae,,,!! you just jealous of us right" Jiyong said without looking at Youngbae

'Aish this dragon' Youngbae sighs for numerus times

"I just going to the restroom, Oppa,,, and I go there with Dae Hyung too. And for information the restroom just 10 meters away from here, okay,,,!!" Seungri answer

He look at Youngbae with apologic smile. he hope Youngbae Hyung undrestand his gaze, and forgive his husband's behavior towards him.

Seungri kiss his husband lips and said "stop overacting, okay" with very low voice, but enough to hear by Jiyong

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