Telling Hyung Part 1

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Lets forget for a while about that book on the previous chapter

Lets begin to a new chapter, guys,,,


When Jiyong arrived at parking area, he runs to his lamborgini and found that Seungri already sleep. He look so tired even he can heard a soft snore from the younger. The younger snore when he were feeling tired. He look at Seungri face with the stare of love. He feel blessed that Seungri accept his purpose back then and being his husband for almost 4 years. He being patient faces Jiyong behavior that sometimes too posessive over him. But Jiyong can't do anythin about his behavior , it just come naturaly.

He put on seatbelt on Seungri with slowly, worry it can waking up him. He kiss his husband's forehead gently and wispher " I love you more than anything". Seungri just flinch a little, respons his husband's kiss but he keep continue his sleeping.

Jiyong starting the engine. He drive carefully coz he know int this car not only him and Seungri but also their future kids. So he want to make sure their reach home safely.

During their ride, Seungri still sleeping like a log. And now they already arrived at the basement parking at their huge apartment. He poke his lover gently.

" Honey,,, wake up, neh ! we arrived,,,"

" Hmmm,,, " Seungri groan while open his eyes and found that he is already at their apartement's parking lot. He look at his husband in front of him, saying " Hi,,,,!"

" Hi,, my princess,,, come on wake up, we already arrived " Jiyong call his husband princess the name that Seungri like when he want to spoil by Jiyong. And it sucessfull making him blushing.

" Hmm,,, you still blushing, when I say that kind of word to you...? So adorable,,, " Jiyong teasing his husband.

" Oppa, you make me shy,,, " Seungri replied with hiding his face bahind his palm hand, feeling so shy

" Oh,,,, Kawaii,,, ! " Jiyong said with his signature tone

" You look so tired now, let me pick you up, neh ! "

Before Seungri can replied, Jiyong already go out the car , turn around to passanger side and open the door slowly. He pick up his husband on bridal style. He kick car's door to closed it. He walking to the VIP elevator that connect directly to their penthouse so no one will see them clingy like that.

" Hey,,, baby,,, you look so sexy right now. Your messy hair make you more sensual " Jiyong teasing his husband, but Seungri just smile while hiding his face to Jiyong's chest blushing so hard.

The elevator is open, he walk in and Seungri help to press 37 number. The number of floor their apartement. The elevator was so fast, only a few second they already arrived.


The elevator open, he walk out the elevator and going to their apartement door. Seungri help again to press the pascode of the door. "Click" Jiyong open the door and come into their house. He walks to the living room and screaming ..

" Yah,,,, !" What the hell are you doing in my house,,, ? " Jiyong screaming with all his lungs make Seungri startel and see what happen coz all this time he still hiding his face on Jiyong's chest.

" Calm the fuck Jiyong,,, !" Youngbae replied with scream too

Yes, inside Jiyong's apartement right now, there is his member, Youngbae, Daesung and Top Hyung. No surprise they can come inside coz Jiyong the one that gives his passcode for everyone to make sure they can got in if something bad happen withoutt braking the expensive door.

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