I already said, I knew it

452 16 2

its kinda short...

at 6 pm

Now, they are cuddling in the couch, watching TV while waiting for the food delivery. Yeah becaus of their drama before, they decided to order Pizza to increase the mood.

*ting tong* *ting tong* (haahahaha,,, Gdragon penthouse's bell just like my house,, *author note)

Seungri decided to open the door. He get up from the couch and walks to the main door.


He open the door meet the pizza boy, paid and take a pizza from him. He closed the door and coming through the couch to put the Pizza.

" Here it is, Oppa,,,, PIZZA is coming,,, ! "

" Wow,,, I smell something deliciouso,,,," Jiyong replied

" Let me take a drink. You want some Cola ,,, huh? " Seungri ask his husband

" Yes,,, of course,,, thanks honey " Jiyong said

Seungri POV

Seungri walks to the kitchen to take a glass of Cola for his beloved husband.

When he closed the fridge, he found mini plastick above the kitchen's bar. He took that plastick and found that was a pregnancy test kit.

He sigh while holding that things. He hold that pregnancy test kit while thinking.

Oppa, buy this kits to make sure about my symtons this morning. I hope I can fulfill his hope.

end seungri pov

He put it down again the pregnancy test kit and back to the couch while bring a glass cola for his husband but when he arrived at the couch , he found Jiyong already eating.

" Yaahh,,,,, Oppa,, why you dont wait for me,," Seungri angry but still cute

" Hmmmm,,, Mianhe ,,, Im very hungry,,, honey,,, " Jiyong said while muching his pizza

" Eat slowly, neh,,,! You eat like a little kids,,, " Seungri said while cleaning Jiyong's lips that become dirty coz the sous of his pizza

Seungri pov

Realized that he just said " KIDS" word, his mind start to thinking again. This apartement kinda too big for him and Jiyong. It could be nice it they have a kids. He will not feel lonely when the Dragon's away.

He remember about the pregnancy test kit that he just found another minutes ago.

He walks to the kitchen, leaving Jiyong and grab that plastick to the bathroom imedietly. He start to pouring his urine into the pregnancy test kit. He wait while closed his eyes, feeling scared that the result will be the same like before.

After 3 minutes. He oppen his eyes but still not direct to the pregnancy test kit. He trying to see the result. He bilink rapidly looking directly the result.

He see two strips at that kit. That's mean positives result. That's mean he really pregnant.

Okay,,, maybe this pregnancy test kits is wrong, so he grab another pregnancy kit from inside the plastick and again he pouring his urine into that tools. He wait impatienly and wow,,, my eyes like want to pop up from my head. My hands is shaking. yeah the second pregnancy test kit show the same result, two strips showed.

It's mean,,, I really really pregnant,,, My Jiyongie Oppa will become a Father soon ...

Oh my God,, Oh my God,,, my body is shaking

end seungri pov

He runt out from the bathroom coming through his husband and hug his husband tight while crying mess

" Hey,, what happen,,, " Jiyong thinking what the hell is this, why my Panda likes crying so much

" Hey,,, baby,,, what's wrong, why you crying again,? are you get hurt somewher? " Jiyong asked

Seungri still crying, not relpied his husband

Seungri realeased his hug and stare his husband while showing the pregnancy test kits. He giving it to Jiyong

Jiyong see, two strips showed on that's kit. His eyes blink rapidly. Feeling unbelievable

" Oppa,,, " Seungri try to call Jiyong

" I think we made it,,, you will be a father,,, I'll be a mother,," Seungri added

Jiyong froze, head a FATHER's word.

" I'll be a father,,,, " he mumbled

" I'll be a Father,,, !! I'll be a Father,,, !! I'll be a Father,,, !! I'll be a Father,,, !! Yeah,,, I'll be a Father.. I'll be a Father..." Jiyong screaming while jumping like a child

" This pregnancy test kits. It's mean you get pregnant, neh....?"

" Oh My God,,, Oh My God,,,, " " Ommo,,, Ommo,,, "

" Chupp,,, " " Chupp,,, " " Chupp,,, " " Chupp,,, " " Chupp,,, " " Chupp,,, " " Chupp,,, " " Chupp,,, " " Chupp,,, " " Chupp,,, " Again he showering his baby face with milion kiss

" Thanks baby,,, Thank You,, Thank you,,, " Jiyong said while sobs , this is just to emotional

They jus hug each other for a couple minutes

" He baby Panda,,, Can you call Dr. Kim. I want to make appoinment to check your pregnancy condition" Jiyong asked

Seungri nodded and grab his phone to dial Dr. Kim

" Yoboseo,,, Hi Seunghyun,,, how are you ? Why you call me? Its somehing happen boy? " Dr. Kim bombardeer Seungri with a lot of question

" Hi Dr. Kim,,,, I hmmm,, hiccup,,, i,,, hiccup,,, " Seungri cant say anything coz his sobs

Jiyong grab Seungri's phone and said

" Hi,, Dr. Kim, this is Kwon Jiyong , Seunghyun's husband. Hmmm,,, we just doing a pregnancy test for Seungri and it showed two strips. That's mean positives right. He also trying two times and the result is the same, two strips showed. I just want to make sure about this pregnancy. So, can I make appointment for tomorrow. I want you to check my husband's condition in detail " Possesive Jiyong is back

" Oh,, Jiyong-shi... Wow,,, that's good news actually. I know he can do it. Okay let we meet in hospital at 9 am." Dr. Kim replied

" hmmm,, Thanks Dr. Kim,,,We'll be there on time "

" Annyeong,,, " Jiyong ending the call

" Annyeong Kwon Jiyong-shi,,,, " Dr. Kim replied


this is for my readers ,,, another chapter ,, yeah,,,next the bigbang member will show,,, its kinda boring yeah,,, 

this is for my readers ,,, another chapter ,, yeah,,,next the bigbang member will show,,, its kinda boring yeah,,, 

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